The NHS was created “by Men for men?”

Wonder what you make of the suggestion by the utterly inept and totally cringe Health Secretary Victoria Atkins that “the NHS was “made by men for men”? She is, at best, only half-right. Yes it was indeed MEN who constructed the NHS post WW2, an institution with which I have profound problems. The politicians who devised it were MEN and the senior Medical professionals that led it were MEN. However Nurses also provided a vital function as did the role of Ward Matron. Those functions were FEMALE.

However to suggest that it was made FOR men is clearly demented! It was made for whoever needed it and with half the population being female, that means it was there for BOTH genders! (Did I just suggest there are only two genders, why yes I did!)

Of course the NHS was fundamentally flawed from the start because it socialised health-care and that has always been the core error. Nothing that is socialised can work in the long-term and the NHS started to crash and burn in the 1980’s and by the turn of the century it was more accurately called the National Death Service. More and more women attained high positions in the NHS and that has not proven to have shown any noticeable benefit to the Service. So, perhaps if MEN had stayed in charge of everything – sensible reality-based men – maybe the NHS would not be the woke train-wreck that it has become?

The worst thing about the NHS is that it has politically weaponised and made into a National Religion that we all must worship. Covid saw that manifest in the bizarre weekly ritual when people were encouraged to come out at 8pm on a Thursday and bang their pots and pans in gratitude to the NHS. Gratitude for what? TikTok dance routines, midazalom-ing people to death? There was no way I was ever going to join in that cult behaviour.

The NHS is a health-care model that has NOT been copied by any other Country and with good reason. The truth is that it was made by socialists and it has outlived its purpose.

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Wonder what you make of the suggestion by the utterly inept and totally cringe Health Secretary Victoria Atkins that “the NHS was “made by men for men”? She is, at best, only half-right. Yes it was indeed MEN who constructed the NHS post WW2, an institution with which I have profound problems. The politicians who devised it were MEN and the senior Medical professionals that led it were MEN. However Nurses also provided a vital function as did the role of Ward Matron. Those functions were FEMALE.

However to suggest that it was made FOR men is clearly demented! It was made for whoever needed it and with half the population being female, that means it was there for BOTH genders! (Did I just suggest there are only two genders, why yes I did!)

Of course the NHS was fundamentally flawed from the start because it socialised health-care and that has always been the core error. Nothing that is socialised can work in the long-term and the NHS started to crash and burn in the 1980’s and by the turn of the century it was more accurately called the National Death Service. More and more women attained high positions in the NHS and that has not proven to have shown any noticeable benefit to the Service. So, perhaps if MEN had stayed in charge of everything – sensible reality-based men – maybe the NHS would not be the woke train-wreck that it has become?

The worst thing about the NHS is that it has politically weaponised and made into a National Religion that we all must worship. Covid saw that manifest in the bizarre weekly ritual when people were encouraged to come out at 8pm on a Thursday and bang their pots and pans in gratitude to the NHS. Gratitude for what? TikTok dance routines, midazalom-ing people to death? There was no way I was ever going to join in that cult behaviour.

The NHS is a health-care model that has NOT been copied by any other Country and with good reason. The truth is that it was made by socialists and it has outlived its purpose.

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​David Vance Substack

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