Who is running the US?

Having watched the US Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden the one thing that has been confirmed is that whilst Joe Biden may be called “Mr President” there is simply no way that he is actually running the administration. I doubt he could run a bath. So that begs the question who *is* actually making all the decisions ordinarily reserved for the President?

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Glastonbury is a Satanic mind control camp

Music festivals have been happening at Worthy Farm, Glastonbury since 1970. It has grown bigger and bigger over the decades and around 200,000 people are expected to attend it this year. It has attracted some of the biggest names in the music industry with people like Paul McCartney and Elton John playing at the festival. But is there a darkness to Glastonbury? Is it something MORE than a Music festival, is it a satanic mind control camp?

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Biden dies on stage

Critics talk about actors “dying” on stage and that’s what we saw in the first US Presidential debate last night as Joe Biden corpsed. Did you see it? Trump was Trump, controlled, sharp, and not too annoying, Presidential you might say, But Biden was absolutely atrocious. Check out 50 secs in.

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Dr Who – trans ally!

David Tennant famously played the role of Dr Who for several years and enjoyed quite a bit of critical acclaim for his performance in it. David Tennant has also been to the fore in proclaiming that he is an “ally” of the LGBTQ+ movement. This manifested itself recently when he hit out at Minister for Women and Equalities Kemi Badenoch demanding that she “shut up” in a furious rant against her.

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Pooping all over the world!

Well then, he came, he saw but did he poop? Yes, I am talking about the very strange behaviour of US President Joe Biden at the D-Day 80th anniversary today What’s wrong with Biden? Did he think there was an invisible chair there? Why was he rapidly shuffled off-stage by “Dr” Jill? Was this a repeat of *that* Vatican incident? This man is clearly very unwell and it looks more and more that they cannot hide this.

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Princess Catherine – never returning?

I will let the headlines speak for itself. This article from a “source” close to the Royal household claims that Princess Catherine may not want to come back to the Royal front line so we not see her in the ways we did before. This article also talks about the fact that she is using this time away from the media to “reconnect” to Prince William. This suggests that they have been disconnected – which is also at variance to the public narrative.

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