Hearing on Biden Crime Family Business Dealings

Public Hearings were conducted in regard to the Biden Crime Family on the 20th. Hunter Biden in spite of his grandiose circus of defiance Press Conference of his first Subpoena he wouldn’t Honor because as he stated it wasn’t a “Public Hearing”. He of course did not bother to show for this Public Hearing. He’s a Biden, the rules don’t apply and no one will hold him to a damn thing he says. Certainly not the MSM, let alone the DOJ as they lock Peter Navarro up for the same behavior.

The Graft, Corruption, Subterfuge, and Criminal Money Laundering for selling Political Influence by the Biden’s is not confined to the Biden’s. Speaker Pelosi & Senator Mitt Romney’s children were both business partners with Hunter Biden in his Money Management Businesses. The use of family members and spouses are how you bribe American Elected Officials. It effect’s both sides of the Political Aisles. It is the corruption that is unavoidable when you have Career Politicians. It is in their DNA, it the reason our Founders designed and expected the system to peopled by Citizens voted for from among other citizens of their communities. People who have proven themselves by their Works and Businesses, not Lawyers who have held no job other than elected official. That is what We the People have allowed to happen. We have no one else to blame. This corruption, and these clown shows are the direct result of the peoples own lack paying attention to the fools that represent us.

This Hearing was if possible even more of a Circus then the Hearing last week on President Biden’s Felony Document Mishandling. At this Hearing Both the Democrats and the Republicans brought Felons convicted of Fraud as their “Credible Witnesses”. To testify for each of their sides. The only credible witness at this hearing was Tony Bobulinski. A man who gained nothing, whose reputation has been destroyed, whose freedom and life have been threatened as the end result of the Biden’s trying to use him as a front man for one of their money laundering corporation schemes. A man with a Spotless Business Record, a spotless Military Record from a respected Multigenerational American Military Family. Mr. Bobulinski dropped a dime on the Illegal activity and has been destroyed for it. His opening statement is well worth the listen.

The President of the United States Joe Biden has been in engaged in Influence Selling his entire 50 year career as an elected official. Mr. Bobulinski is an eyewitness to that influence selling. According to every Democrat at this Hearing President Biden is being framed by President Trump and wait for it….. the RUSSIANS! That’s right this once again is “Russian Collusion” between Trump, Giuliani, and the Russians along with Fox News in an elaborate conspiracy to malign President Biden and his family. That the Millions of Dollars over the past decades is all an illusion fabricated by the Russians.

Below is the Hearing in it’s entirety complete with a list of links that will guide you to some particular parts of the hearing that will give you more than enough of the feel of this absurdity.


  • Witness Accuses Reps. Raskin & Goldman of Lying 28:42
  • Lev Parnas: No Evidence of Biden Corruption, Mentions Rep. Sessions 39:20
  • Fmr. Hunter Biden Associate Testifies From Prison 43:40
  • Lev Parnas on Russian Disinformation Against Bidens 1:09:25
  • Rep. Raskin Inquires About Witness’s Phone Data 1:29:02
  • Corruption Allegations Against Fmr. AG Barr 2:26:05
  • AOC to Witness: Did You Witness Pres. Biden Commit Crime? 2:47:00

Here are some of the Highlights I plucked for your both your enjoyment, and to display the sad state to which we have descended.

Since Hunter Biden once again refused to show up for a Subpoenaed Hearing, even though this supposedly was the Public Hearing that he demanded he was a no show. Even as we watch Peter Navarro a Trump associate going to jail for the exact same thing, not showing up for subpoena. Hunter will receive no consequences for breaking the Law. The FBI only prosecutes Republicans while it runs interference and cover ups for the Biden’s and members of the Democrat Party.

The three witnesses are ALL Biden Associates, but two of them are convicted Felons guilty of major frauds. The third Mr. Bobulinski as I described above is anything but a Felon. Mr. Bobulinski is a man of integrity who could not be part of the Biden’s Crimes, and tried to bring those crimes to light. For that reason I have pooled Mr. Bobulinski’s testimony together for you to view. If you choose to see the other two “witnesses” testimony it is all in the complete hearing posted above.

The President of the United States Joe Biden has been selling his Government Office for 50 years. There are tons of Documents, and Bank records that prove it beyond a doubt. Here is an eyewitness to some of those Crimes. Watch just a few of the clips below starting with Mr. Bobulinski’s opening statement, which you do not want to miss.

Mr. Bobulinski’s opening statement in which he shreds Committee Members Raskin and Goldman.

SHOCK TESTIMONY: Joe Biden Was Involved In Hunter Business, Ex-Hunter Partner Tony Bobulinski Claims

MUST WATCH: AOC And Ex-Hunter Biden Partner Tony Bobulinski Have Explosive Clash In Oversight

Rep. Khanna aware of texts implicating Joe Biden in Hunter, James business in 2020: Tony Bobulinski ‘I’m Actually Disgusted’: Ex-Hunter Partner Tony Bobulinski Shreds On Ro Khanna After Questioning.

‘Joe Biden Walked Into That Room…’: Full of Chinese “Business Men” Bobulinski Shares Story Involving POTUS, Hunter In Hearing

Ex-Hunter Partner Tony Bobulinski Tells Lisa McClain: This Is Who Congress Should Talk To In Probe

‘The Biden’s Had Defrauded Me’: Ex-Hunter Biden Partner Tony Bobulinski Answers GOP Rep’s Questions

Sparks Fly When Dan Goldman Grills Ex-Hunter Biden Partner Tony Bobulinski About ‘Big Guy’ Email

Tony Bobulinski Goes In-Depth On Hunter Biden’s Text To Chinese Businessman When Asked By Burchett

Tony Bobulinski: These Are All ‘Blatant Lies’ Told By Hunter Biden About His Father

Tony Bobulinski Tells Matt Gaetz When He Grew Concerned About Hunter Biden’s Business

Jamie Raskin Tears Into Ex-Hunter Biden Business Partner Tony Bobulinski At House Oversight Hearing

Nancy Mace Rapid-Fire Questions Witness About Joe Biden’s Calls To Hunter Biden During Deals

Jasmine Crockett ETHERS Tony Bobulinski During CLASH On The Hill |👀 FULL Exchange From Biden Hearing

‘I Did Not Ask You A Question!’: Jasmine Crockett Clashes With Tony Bobulinski

Did Joe Biden Lie?’: Lauren Boebert Grills Witnesses POTUS Interaction In Hunter’s Business

Ex-Hunter Partner Tony Bobulinski Details What Joe And James Biden Told Him In Private Meetings

Star Witness Directly Refutes Key Hunter Biden Claim Under Questioning From Marjorie Taylor Greene

SHOCK MOMENT: Hunter Biden’s Ex-Business Partner Goes Through Old Texts To Hunter Concerning POTUS

Clay Higgins Brings The Receipts To Detail Alleged Payment To Bidens In Diamonds From Foreign Groups

‘Is That A Threat, Mr. Parnas?’: Tony Bobulinski And Lev Parnas Battle At Impeachment Hearing

‘Joe Biden Is The Common Element In All Of Hunter Biden’s Attempts To Do Business With China’: Foxx

Byron Donalds Breaks Down ‘Paper Trail’ He Says Shows Hunter Business Money Flowing To POTUS

BREAKING NEWS: Jim Jordan Does Not Hold Back Grilling Ex-Hunter Biden Business Partner About POTUS

Moskowitz Asks MAGA Republicans: ‘Why Are You Dragging Out This Impeachment Inquiry?’

Eric Swalwell Trolls Republicans By Pronouncing ‘Time Of Death’ Of Biden Impeachment

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