Farage is a Russian Agent?

The UK media really are utter scum. No sane person believes that they are impartial reporters of the news but rather sickening propagandists for the Deep State. You will remember how they behaved during Covid as they INSISTED everyone should be good little sheep and take their 100% safe and 100% effective jabs and now they are seeking to subvert the Reform Party in the UK General Election.

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How to *Stop* Just Stop Oil eco terrorism!

The eco-terrorists known as “Just Stop Oil” came into being back in February 2022. according to renowned left wing source of lies Wikipedia; Just Stop Oil is a “British” environmental activist group primarily focused on the issue of human-caused climate change. The group aims to convince the British government to commit to ending new fossil fuel licensing and production using civil resistance, direct action, traffic obstruction, and vandalism.

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