Heading for the Dark Ages.

There was a pretty momentous decision made by the UK Supreme Court yesterday in respect of the UK’s future ability to heat and power itself. Naturally all the eco-zealots were delighted at this decision; The Supreme Court has ruled a local council should have considered the full climate impact of burning oil from new wells – a landmark decision which could put future UK oil and gas projects in question. Under planning law the assumption has always been that only the impacts from constructing the wells and not the use of the final oil products should be considered. The case brought against Surrey County Council by Sarah Finch, on behalf of campaigners could threaten new UK fossil fuels projects.

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Does Cancer improve your looks?

I was thinking about all the media furore following the re-emergence of Princess Catherine at the Trooping of the Colour pageantry that took place in London last Saturday. Naturally all decent people were pleased to see her back after her five month total absence from the spotlight (assuming that it actually *was* her, and I think it was, btw) But the thing that mystifies me is how someone who by her own words claims to have started Chemotherapy in March could look

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