South Africa is the Canary in the Coalmine

Elon musk recently highlighted the massive rally held by the EFF, Economic Freedom Fighters, led by Julius Malema in Johannesburg, where the slogan, “Kill the Boer” was chanted, along with other apartheid era songs I imagine. “Boer” literally means farmer, but it reflects anger at all European settlers to whom the EFF is extremely hostile. The EFF seeks to direct anger towards the “oppressors” of the past, namely white people.
The EFF is a Leninist Marxist party who are the third largest political party, and they are growing fast as people become disillusioned with the ANC (who have dominated since apartheid with an unassailable majority). Their message is more radical and more revolutionary than the ANC and appeals to the huge percentage of people who are now worse off than during apartheid.

The themes in South Africa post-apartheid have been massive corruption, infrastructure decay, reverse discrimination, mismanagement, and crime, and while certain people connected to the main political party, the ANC, may have thrived and there is now a black upper class, the vast majority of people are suffering from less housing, poorer education, insufficient healthcare and many other problems than during the Apartheid era.
As many of you will know, due to mismanagement in terms of the electricity grid, people now have to have backup generators and solar panels because there is something called load shedding, where there’s no electricity between 8 to 12 hours a day across the entire country.
What’s interesting about Julius Malema and the EFF is that they seem to be able to count on an enormous amount of funding. The rally they held in a very large stadium in Johannesburg was full of pyrotechnics and very well organised and presented, this indicates a huge amount of funding. There’s no effective way of tracing the funding for political groups in South Africa. Julius Malema wears a Breitling watch, has a fleet of fancy cars, lives in the exclusive suburb of Hyde Park in Johannesburg and is certainly not poor, so there’s obviously funding coming in from overseas, possibly from people like George Soros, because his constituency is the poorest in South Africa, thus it’s definitely not coming from donations.
Why aren’t the Western media interested in covering the farm attacks? Well, the farm attacks have actually been happening for three decades, there are nothing new. Currently being a farmer in South Africa is one of the most dangerous professions in the world, more dangerous than being a Honduran policeman or having fought in the Vietnam war. A farmer is killed every five days and they are usually butchered in the most barbaric way, something you would have only seen during the dark days of the Bolshevik Revolution when degloving was a thing. The police are disinterested, possibly complicit or even scared of retributions. I don’t believe the attacks are organic at all, these people are put up to it by a coordinated intelligence. The western media ie LBC radio hosts will dismiss the farm attacks as just one crime in a high crime society, when it’s not that at all. Most of the time nothing is even stolen, it’s all about the violence.

The New York times article to which Elon musk references, plays down the reality of the situation in South Africa and makes out that Julius Malema is some sort of charismatic leader, meanwhile he is simply a puppet pushing dangerous rhetoric which could collapse society. We see similar rhetoric in the US and UK but it’s yet to reach calls for genocide.
The farm murders serve two purposes, it’s the attack on farming, just as they want to eradicate farming in Holland. The South African farmland is some of the most fertile in the world, and the farmers there are incredibly experienced and successful. So there’s an attack going on on the bread baskets of the world, because Ukraine and Holland (the biggest exporter of agriculture after the USA) are also under attack. Murdering farmers helps the farms to fall into the hands of corporations, probably foreign, who can then let them lie fallow or use for other non-food purposes.
What’s very disturbing about the situation is the people I know in South Africa ( family and school friends) in the towns and cities, don’t seem at all concerned about the deaths of farmers, they are almost disinterested or aloof, as if farmers live in another country and they have no affiliation to the farmers, and this is very scary because I think it’s only a matter of time before it comes to their door. However, it does show you that when this inevitably comes to the United States and other countries, as it will, bearing in mind the stoking of racial tensions, the people who feel safe in the cities won’t be cared about their compatriots on the farmland. So I strongly believe that the reason why this is not being reported, is because it’s planned to be rolled out elsewhere. South Africa is the canary in the coal mine, and it will eventually be rolled out to other countries possibly France and America first.
The other notable features of the economy in South Africa like affirmative action and BEE ( Black Economic Empowerment) are also things which are bound to become more prevalent in the West and this can already be seen in the ECG scores.

It’s worth noting that Joe Slovo, a Soviet spy who was the key intellect of the ANC and possibly the handler for Nelson Mandela, was living in Islington under the nose of Maggie Thatcher, nothing was really said about it even though on the surface Mrs Thatcher seemed less supportive of the ANC. During the apartheid era, the ANC was massively funded by the Soviet Union, in fact the limpit mines, grenades, the ak-47s that armed Mkonto we sizwe, the armed wing of the ANC, came from the Soviet Union. Many of the leaders of the ANC travelled to Moscow, and it was always odd to me how the West was supposedly in a cold war with the Soviet Union who were the enemy of the day and yet they were supporting a figure called Nelson Mandela who was an ally of the Soviet Union and whose forces were armed, trained and educated by the Soviet Union.
During the Bolshevik Revolution, they released the convicts from the prisons, the aim being to terrorise the middle class as Marxism is aimed at destroying the middle class, or industrial capital, in order to consolidate wealth and power with the finance oligarchy.
Remember the Oscar Pistorius trial, why was it necessary to sensationalise that trial to such a degree? To demonize homeowners defending their homes with guns and make ordinary people unsure if it’s ever appropriate to use a gun when you sense an intrusion in the dark of the night.
I’ll conclude by bringing in the latest TikTok organised Oxford Street protests and home invasions by the Mizzy character – how long until this becomes more sinister and potentially lethal, with people justifying theft, armed robberies or attacks on the basis of redistribution of wealth after the evils of colonialism or slavery.
(From a South African living in the UK)
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