Why Humza Yousaf is a hero.

Before you unsubscribe to my Substack for my apparent heresy, let me explain why I think Humza Yousaf is a hero! Buckle up and let’s start with Humza himself explaining why he did what he did!

The first minister says it was clear to him that the SNP’s power-sharing deal with the Scottish Greens was “coming to an end anyway” after the Green Party’s decision to put a vote on its future to their members. (The Green Party members are even more insane than you might think..DV)

“In my mind, whether it was a matter of days or weeks, the Bute House agreement was coming to an end. That’s why I say that ending the Bute House agreement was the right thing to do for the party and the country. But I accept fully the manner in which it was done clearly caused upset and therefore I’ve paid the price of that.” Yousaf adds that he doesn’t regret ending the deal, but “I just regret the manner in which I ended it”.

Let’s revisit the Bute House Agreement itself. This was cobbled together by Sturgeon and her gang in summer 2021 as a political means to an end. She got the lunatic Greens to sign up to a formal partnership with the SNP that would allow it to govern despite its minority status within Hollyrood! The Greens have 7 MSP’s which when added to the SNP’s 64 MSP’s delivered a working majority for the “coalition”!

The price that Sturgeon agreed to included;

Scottish Government to cut carbon emissions by 75% by 2030 (Literally impossibe, but meh)

NHS’s prescription of puberty blockers for new patients. (Greens love blocking puberty for some reason or another)

Neither of these agreed policy items were going to be possible and Humza saw that. So he dropped the commitment to both of them and that was the only heroic thing he has ever done!

Yes, it triggered the Greens into pulling out of the Bute House Agreement and demanding a No-Confidence vote and thus the end of his 13 months as SNP Leader and First Minister but what was his choice? I suppose he could have kept playing lip service to these signature Green polices knowing he would have to ditch them later in the electoral cycle but he bit the bullet and ended his political career. So in a weird way, Humza lost his job for following the right policies!

David Vance Substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


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Before you unsubscribe to my Substack for my apparent heresy, let me explain why I think Humza Yousaf is a hero! Buckle up and let’s start with Humza himself explaining why he did what he did!

The first minister says it was clear to him that the SNP’s power-sharing deal with the Scottish Greens was “coming to an end anyway” after the Green Party’s decision to put a vote on its future to their members. (The Green Party members are even more insane than you might think..DV)

“In my mind, whether it was a matter of days or weeks, the Bute House agreement was coming to an end. That’s why I say that ending the Bute House agreement was the right thing to do for the party and the country. But I accept fully the manner in which it was done clearly caused upset and therefore I’ve paid the price of that.” Yousaf adds that he doesn’t regret ending the deal, but “I just regret the manner in which I ended it”.

Let’s revisit the Bute House Agreement itself. This was cobbled together by Sturgeon and her gang in summer 2021 as a political means to an end. She got the lunatic Greens to sign up to a formal partnership with the SNP that would allow it to govern despite its minority status within Hollyrood! The Greens have 7 MSP’s which when added to the SNP’s 64 MSP’s delivered a working majority for the “coalition”!

The price that Sturgeon agreed to included;

Scottish Government to cut carbon emissions by 75% by 2030 (Literally impossibe, but meh)

NHS’s prescription of puberty blockers for new patients. (Greens love blocking puberty for some reason or another)

Neither of these agreed policy items were going to be possible and Humza saw that. So he dropped the commitment to both of them and that was the only heroic thing he has ever done!

Yes, it triggered the Greens into pulling out of the Bute House Agreement and demanding a No-Confidence vote and thus the end of his 13 months as SNP Leader and First Minister but what was his choice? I suppose he could have kept playing lip service to these signature Green polices knowing he would have to ditch them later in the electoral cycle but he bit the bullet and ended his political career. So in a weird way, Humza lost his job for following the right policies!

David Vance Substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


​David Vance Substack

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