Forever Autumn – the vanishing Princess.

I came across a sycophanic article concerning Princess Catherine and what is REALLY happening behind closed doors at Kensington Palace that warrants closer scrutiny. It’s by a hack called Richard Eden and it is entitled “What Kate’s friends tell me about her recovery – and what’s really going on behind the scenes at Kensington Palace.”

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Nigel Farage – Super Judas Goat?

Few sensible people will dispute that Nigel Farage is one of the most formidable and effective political figures to have emerged in British politics for many years. He was central to UKIP forcing the Brexit vote and we all owe Nigel Farage a debt of gratitude. I can even remember campaigning WITH him back in the 1999 European Elections. However I have long held some suspicions about Nigel Farage and these are reinforced in this letter

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