Is China the enemy?
Mr “Voice of the Establishment” Andrew Neil takes China to account in his latest column. He believes it is time we “stood up” to China. Maybe a war would be helpful, Andrew?
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I will not submit, I will not comply
Mr “Voice of the Establishment” Andrew Neil takes China to account in his latest column. He believes it is time we “stood up” to China. Maybe a war would be helpful, Andrew?
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
In a world turned upside down, there are those who find inspiration in the unlikeliest of places. Who would have…
Joe Biden has held no other job in his life except “Politician” he is worth 100s of Millions of Dollars…
Europe is Circling the Drain Germany, a once great and prosperous manufacturing economy, is now an economy in terminal decline….
2020 began with videos emerging from China of people dropping dead in the streets from a mystery virus. That started the fear that then spread around the world. But it was ALL fake. Why is this no interest from the mainstream media into analysing why…
It’s hard to understand why some people are still talking Wuhan as the “origin” story for “Covid 19”. The ONLY thing that came out of China in 2020 was lies!
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Former UK PM Liz Truss flies out to Taiwan and urges “an economic NATO” against China. Is she insane?
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
I don’t like, or trust the Washington Post. It is nothing but a Leftwing Political Rag, a Propaganda Machine, nothing…
It’s a potentially deadly virus. It has claimed a victim, a 56 year old women, in China. It can be detected using a PCR test. What am I talking about – yes, the latest strain of Bird Flu. Are they KIDDING me?
Find a whole lot more at https://davidv…
I hate the French, I’m sorry but I do. I know as an American I’m supposed to believe they were…
The West behaves so strangely towards China. On the one hand, we demonise the CCP as the epicentre of all evil. Then, we trust them implicitly when they tell us tales of the “origins” of Covid 19!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
The Political/Pharma/Media complex played an elaborate pysop on the world by pretending that “Covid” somehow came from China, and NOW they are suggesting it may have originated in late 2019 and the Chinese covered it up! All totally laughable!
Tell me this Administration knows Foreign Policy….. While still trying to revive Obama’s Iran Deal with no regard for it’s…
March 25 (Reuters) – Russia will station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday, sending a…
Russia and China’s historical meeting in Moscow is ushering in an alternative World Order and not the one NATO wants!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net