Being a Pureblood in 2024!

It seems so long ago now, but it was only 2020. And the entire population was being psyoped into taking an experiment therapy which they called a Covid “vaccine”! I fully understand why so many went along with it and do not judge anyone for doing so. I think people were scared, worried about family, and they trusted the experts. Less tolerable were those who took the jib jabs because they wanted to go on a holiday. Having said all that, some of resisted the entire time. I didn’t want their jabs and I sure as hell didn’t trust those pushing them.

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Can London survive Khan?

Did you see that the most recent opinion poll gives current London Mayor Sadiq Khan a commanding lead over every other candidate. This means that in all likelihood he will gain another four years in power. If this happens, what will become of our once loved Capital city?

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Does Voting count?

There is an old saying that if voting actually changed anything, they wouldn’t let us do it! Do you think there is wisdom in this, or is it just cynicism? The older I get the more I see it to be true. The illusion of having a functioning democracy because you have a choice between the

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Boris Johnson -a bloodthirsty warmonger!

Crimea has been part of Russia since 1783, and the majority of people living there see themselves as Russian and speak Russian. Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson now believes that Ukraine can regain possession of Crimea and this a further escalation in his apparent belligerent bloodlust. There are no credible military experts who go along with Johnson’s peculiar belief and when we look at what has happened in eastern Ukraine since 2022, we see that Russia has advanced, captured an held territory. So who on earth would a shattered demoralised Ukraine capture Ukraine, precisely?

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It’s too late for the toxic Tories!

The game is up. You know it, I know it and Rishi Sunak knows it too. At this point, he is acting more of an Undertaker for the Conservatives than an actual leader. His oily managerial style inspires no-one, his lack of vision is there for all to see, and he must know that whenever he calls the General Election at some point this year, he will pull the curtain down on not just his lousy Administration but 13 years of UnConservative rule. He deserves what is coming although we don’t.

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