Only the destruction of the Uniparty can work!

Is the UK about to go through a political revolution the likes of which we have not seen since at least the end of WW2? I suspect the answer is YES but not necessarily for the reasons the media is suggesting. It seems clear at this point the Labour will win and by a significant degree. So the RED end of the Uniparty will govern us for the next five years. I see that as a given. It’s what may happen to the BLUE end of the Uniparty that interests me and which may strike the spark that changes the UK forever.

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Farage Incoming…

It doesn’t matter how the BBC and others try to downplay it – Nigel Farage has made an enormous impact on this General Election and it seems clear he is coming to Parliament in July!

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Let’s discuss the return of Princess Catherine!

OK, so here is the official narrative. Confounding all the mad conspiracy theorists, Princess Catherine returned to front-line Royal Duties as the Trooping of the Colour ceremony in London today. Here are a few pics of her at the Event. My reaction? Well, assuming that IS her, she does look both painfully thin but also remarkably well for someone going through “Chemotherapy”. She seems to have the same lustrous hair as before her diagnosis. (In the above photo, doesn’t the hat look a bit like a halo?) But there is much more to it.

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