On Easter and hope renewed!

A warm welcome back to my first Substack in several days! There is a good reason why I have been quiet here and that is because I have been very busy elsewhere because very late on Good Friday, a new grand daughter came into my life. You can imagine the excitement that this momentous event sent through my family circle and it once again affirms my view that family is the glue that holds everything together.

That’s WHY the transhumanists are so intent on attacking it and undermining it. That’s why they want to deform the essence of gender (only ever two) and the nature of the ideal family unit – Father, Mother and kids! That’s why they want to pretend that they can somehow improve on the perfection of God’s creation – which this child is. But they cannot and never will.

The timing of this new birth and of my third grandchild further reinforces my Christian faith. Easter IS special – again that’s why Satanists like Joe Biden chose instead to celebrate the Luciferian “Transgender day of Visibility”. They mock us but fail to realise that makes us even stronger, more resolute and confident. I believe that Easter Sunday represents the triumph of life over death, of good over evil, and that is provides us all with hope. This Easter, that sense of hope was multiplied by the birth of this little girl into the Vance family and for that alone, I am profoundly thankful to God.

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A warm welcome back to my first Substack in several days! There is a good reason why I have been quiet here and that is because I have been very busy elsewhere because very late on Good Friday, a new grand daughter came into my life. You can imagine the excitement that this momentous event sent through my family circle and it once again affirms my view that family is the glue that holds everything together.

That’s WHY the transhumanists are so intent on attacking it and undermining it. That’s why they want to deform the essence of gender (only ever two) and the nature of the ideal family unit – Father, Mother and kids! That’s why they want to pretend that they can somehow improve on the perfection of God’s creation – which this child is. But they cannot and never will.

The timing of this new birth and of my third grandchild further reinforces my Christian faith. Easter IS special – again that’s why Satanists like Joe Biden chose instead to celebrate the Luciferian “Transgender day of Visibility”. They mock us but fail to realise that makes us even stronger, more resolute and confident. I believe that Easter Sunday represents the triumph of life over death, of good over evil, and that is provides us all with hope. This Easter, that sense of hope was multiplied by the birth of this little girl into the Vance family and for that alone, I am profoundly thankful to God.

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​David Vance Substack

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