David Vance SubstackRead More
“Let me take you down, ’cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields
Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about
Strawberry Fields forever”
Let’s talk about rabbit holes, conspiracy theories and the need to have an anchor in reality. I think it is healthy and important that we question everything that we are told, especially by the mainstream media. We know that it misleads, it lies, it pushes deceit. If the Covid years proved anything it is that many things presented as facts are lies. That simple.
However, and this is the crucial bit, not EVERYTHING is a globalist psyop. Some things simply are as they appear and if we lose sight of that we lose discernment. Without discernment we can all too easily lose a grip on reality. Now some people might disagree with me and insist that “Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about” but I don’t want to be in the camp that screams “Psyops” at every event that ever happens. Some people are also JUST as they seem and it doesn’t advance knowledge if we immediately denounce everyone who says something we might disagree with as a shill. Some are, for sure, but some aren’t.
The Purity Police don’t control my mind and you shouldn’t let them control yours either. It’s for each of us to decide what we want to believe. I am happy to go down as many rabbit holes as I can find but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I don’t come back up them and only at that stage make my call. I won’t be bullied into accepting ANY ideology, mainstream or alternative. Nor will I condemn those who hold their passions close to their hearts.
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