Everyone loves a good Voice Coach!


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

It’s December. December 2020. And it’s Christmas Eve. Impact coach and actress Leonie Mellinger is a woman on a vital mission. Even though the UK is in the depths of Lockdown, she is forced to breach lockdown rules to meet up with Keir Starmer, then leader of the opposition but now our beloved Prime Minister. You see Leonie is also a voice coach and Sir Keir needed urgent voice coaching help!

She was there to provide it. In spades.

So goes the official story. Seriously. We are told that Starmer had been taking voice coaching lessons to make him seem less robotic, less Dalek-like. This is where Leonie came into play. She was there to help him, to give him a hand. However, the problem is that there were lockdown rules plainly in situ and so this seems to have been an egregious breach of them. Leonie knew that breaking such rules was a bad thing that required political resignation as per her retweet of this post on Twitter from Starmer.

Note the date. She was clear in 2022 that Boris Johnson had broken the rules and MUST resign.

My questions are as follows;

  1. What was the nature of her “meeting” with Starmer on Dec 24th 2020?

  2. If it was a professional meeting, did she invoice him and can we see this invoice?

  3. If it was professional, in what was was it “essential”? I can’t recall Voice Coaches being defined as “essential workers’?

  4. If it wasn’t professional, wasn’t it a clear breach of the rules for her AND Starmer?

  5. Was she just a really good friend of the Starmers? After all, she even looks a bit like Lady Starmer.

I am sure Sir Keir – the man who follows all the rules – can now explain these matters. In his own words…

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