Climate change changes Financial Climate

We all can see how the arch globalists are seeking to weaponise their ludicrous Climate change fear-mongery. Listen to what convicted criminal and President of the ECB Christine Lagarde has to say in this regard.

This is all code. They want to destroy all our systems and then impose their one world government cult upon as by using “Climate Change” as the alarmist pretext. Quite why Central Banking has to be change to align with “sustainability” and a “warming climate” is anyones guess but it’s all co-ordinated and in lockstep

What IS the “Green Transition” she drones on about as her number one priority? Quite simply it is about demolishing modern free market capitalism such as it is through the application of nihilistic Net Zero insanity and then replacing it with rigid post-industrial centralised control systems not just for the economy but for all of our lives. Lagarde might wear a white jacket but it conceals a black heart.

Like the UN, the WHO, the ECB is just another umbrella cabal under which Globalism operates to bring about the revolutionary changes the sociopaths that run it want to see.

David Vance Substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


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We all can see how the arch globalists are seeking to weaponise their ludicrous Climate change fear-mongery. Listen to what convicted criminal and President of the ECB Christine Lagarde has to say in this regard.

This is all code. They want to destroy all our systems and then impose their one world government cult upon as by using “Climate Change” as the alarmist pretext. Quite why Central Banking has to be change to align with “sustainability” and a “warming climate” is anyones guess but it’s all co-ordinated and in lockstep

What IS the “Green Transition” she drones on about as her number one priority? Quite simply it is about demolishing modern free market capitalism such as it is through the application of nihilistic Net Zero insanity and then replacing it with rigid post-industrial centralised control systems not just for the economy but for all of our lives. Lagarde might wear a white jacket but it conceals a black heart.

Like the UN, the WHO, the ECB is just another umbrella cabal under which Globalism operates to bring about the revolutionary changes the sociopaths that run it want to see.

David Vance Substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


​David Vance Substack

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