Send Rishi Sunak to Rwanda!

It remains a distinct possibility that UK Prime Minister (for the time being) Rishi Sunak is more popular in Rwanda than he is in the UK. After all, his rotten inept Government has already handed over millions of our £££’s to that corrupt African state and even if the UK

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St George and the Dragons.

Tomorrow, April 23rd, is St George’s Day in England. Did you see the story in the media suggesting that around 13% of Labour voters find the English flag – St George’s Cross – to be offensive, divisive and yes, racist? Now, this should not surprise any of us who understand exactly exactly what’s going on in this world. However it’s not just some Labour supporters who find the English flag and abomination – I believe it’s probably the Labour leadership as well. It’s just that they won’t come out and say it. At least 13% of their supporters are being honest with us when they say that they despise the flag that represents the country

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Universities are toxic.

I wanted to talk to you about the increasing development of academic spaces within our town centres. If you take my local town of Belfast, I see one new student accommodation building after another appearing across the skyline. This begs the question – where are all these students coming from? A cursory examination shows that a significant number of these students are actually oversea students who constitute a lucrative income flow for the universities. In addition to these overseas students, we also have a lot of young local people entering tertiary education to pursue utterly worthless degrees, racking up huge amounts of debt but yet again enriching the coffers of the bloated woke universities.

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The vanishing Royalty

I did a Live show with Gregory Paul Martin which you can watch here. Gregory is a talented Master Astrologer and during the show he claimed that it is likely that King Charles and Princess Catherine may both die from cancer this year. (Assuming that one of them is not already dead.) Gregory suggests that it was back in 2022 that he first saw that Prince Charles (then)would die from cancer. Could this be true?

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Nigel Farage – Return to the frontline?

Did you see that former UKIP and Brexit Party Nigel Farage has suggested that there will be a ‘very big decision’ coming from him on returning to frontline politics ‘in the next few weeks’. The Brexit champion insisted he is on the verge of making up his mind about a comeback, with potentially just months until a general election.

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Labour’s stunning Muslim hypocrisy

Here is an incredible tale of Labour conniving and it concerns a prospective parliamentary Labour candidate for Leicester East called Rajesh Agrawal. Now before we get to Rajesh – and boy will we do that! – do remember that this constituency is represented by Claudia Webb (ex-Labour) but she was

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Walls come tumbling down…

Winning “Red Wall” Labour seats in 2019 was instrumental to Conservative fortunes and a massive blow to Labour. Around 48 Westminster seats switched from Red to Blue. In 2024, this is about to be reversed. It’s not that Conservative voters embrace Labour, they just will sit this one out! Meanwhile Boris Johnson criticises Rishi Sunak!

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NHS – stuck in forever Covid

The NHS is unable, or unwilling, to accept that Covid is over. In fact, as far as I am concerned, it never started! I have an annual MOT with my GP which normally lasts about 5 minutes. That’s probably 4 minutes too long but I enjoy the lolz. Anyway, long story short, I phoned the GP surgery up this morning to book the annual appointment. What followed was a lengthy telephone recorded message from the GP Surgery telling us that ANYONE with Covid should not attend the surgery.

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Scotland bans log fires (and chimneys)

The insanity of Net Zero combined with the Scottish Nationalist Party was always going to create massive problems and so it has come to pass! Turns out that wood burning stoves are now effectively banned going forward! Changes to the building standards – the regulations governing the requirements for all building in

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Net Zero Conservatives.

We know that this outgoing Conservative Government is deeply committed to achieving “Net Zero” by 2050 and is happy to ensure the internal combustion engine is banned from 2035. However by embracing this globalist nihilism it strikes me the only thing it will achieve is Net Zero seats come the General Election!

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Bird Flu Vaxx incoming…

Some of us recognised that “Covid 19” was not what they said it was, and then we realised it didn’t even exist at all was more problematical than that! It was a scam from start to finish, despite the efforts of cranks such as those in the WHO pretending it was akin to the Spanish Flu (which was neither Spanish nor the Flu, btw!)

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Prepped for WW3

I don’t believe in coincidence, do you? And when it comes to the mainstream media, which is primarily all about amplifying approved deep state messages, I definitely don’t believe in coincidences! Here are a few headlines from the world’s largest online newspaper, the Daily Mail.

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