When Ireland abandons the Irish!

It is a remarkable fact that in a few decades, the Irish may become a minority in their own country. At that point it will become the country formerly known as Ireland.

Ireland’s Department of Integration (sic) has warned that the country will need to accommodate up to 50,000 asylum seekers by the end of 2026, sparking a heated debate among the public. This announcement has led to concerns about the impact on housing availability for Irish citizens, especially young people, and has prompted discussions on broader issues related to immigration and national identity.

The crucial factor to understand here is that the Irish political class is 100% bought and controlled by the globalist cult. That includes the fake rebels in Sinn Fein. It became evident very quickly that Irish politicians enjoyed being in the EU cult, so a hop and skip into WEF dystopia was always going to be easy for them.

But it’ the scale of this massive immigrant influx which is causing all kinds of Irish societal unrest. Irish people can see that there small communities are being changed in ways that they never had contemplated and certaily without their say so. Nobody voted for this but that’s exactly what the politicians are delivering. Yes, there are some Irish citizens who are nihlists and who go with the Open Borders agenda. Do remember that Ireland also had a disproportionately high buy-in to Covid vaccines!

Ireland is a small country and small countries can be demographically changed out of all recognition so much more quickly than larger countries. With a population of 5 1/2 million Ireland can therefore be a helpful Petri dish for the degenerate globalist agenda. That’s exactly what is turning out to be. But you can’t just suddenly “find” 50,000 houses for these alleged “asylum seekers” so the only way to accommodate them is to use more hotels, more public property and even then that’s pretty unlikely. The strain this 50,000 tsuanami will have on public services is not even discussed as that might become awkward. The Irish people go the polls this June and again next year. They are faced with the choice of saving their Nation or voting it out of existence.

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

It is a remarkable fact that in a few decades, the Irish may become a minority in their own country. At that point it will become the country formerly known as Ireland.

Ireland’s Department of Integration (sic) has warned that the country will need to accommodate up to 50,000 asylum seekers by the end of 2026, sparking a heated debate among the public. This announcement has led to concerns about the impact on housing availability for Irish citizens, especially young people, and has prompted discussions on broader issues related to immigration and national identity.

The crucial factor to understand here is that the Irish political class is 100% bought and controlled by the globalist cult. That includes the fake rebels in Sinn Fein. It became evident very quickly that Irish politicians enjoyed being in the EU cult, so a hop and skip into WEF dystopia was always going to be easy for them.

But it’ the scale of this massive immigrant influx which is causing all kinds of Irish societal unrest. Irish people can see that there small communities are being changed in ways that they never had contemplated and certaily without their say so. Nobody voted for this but that’s exactly what the politicians are delivering. Yes, there are some Irish citizens who are nihlists and who go with the Open Borders agenda. Do remember that Ireland also had a disproportionately high buy-in to Covid vaccines!

Ireland is a small country and small countries can be demographically changed out of all recognition so much more quickly than larger countries. With a population of 5 1/2 million Ireland can therefore be a helpful Petri dish for the degenerate globalist agenda. That’s exactly what is turning out to be. But you can’t just suddenly “find” 50,000 houses for these alleged “asylum seekers” so the only way to accommodate them is to use more hotels, more public property and even then that’s pretty unlikely. The strain this 50,000 tsuanami will have on public services is not even discussed as that might become awkward. The Irish people go the polls this June and again next year. They are faced with the choice of saving their Nation or voting it out of existence.

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​David Vance Substack

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