What do the Health Experts know that they aren’t telling us?


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

For the past four years we have been bombarded with the message that we MUST “trust the experts” and do as they do. With that in mind, let’s review the behaviour of those working in the NHS, shall we? After all, they are the “experts” entrusted to take care of our health.

So 70% of NHS staff are now opting out of taking the Covid jabs in 2024. Why might this be, do you think? Might it be that they have seen things that have given them cause to pause taking any more of the vaxx? Even in 2022/2023 the majority of NHS staff were opting out of taking the jabs that THEY had previously insisted were “safe and effective”! Yet the NHS itself continues to repeat the jaded mantra that it’s important to keep taking your “booster” whilst its staff don’t take their booster.

To my mind this shows just how dysfunctional the NHS has become. It was weaponised into a Covid cult in 2020 and amazingly people banged their pots and pans on a Thursday night to worship it – even as it did little but provide paracetamol to “Covid Patients” or midazolam or ventilate them to death. The same nurses that did their TikTok dance routines in 2020 now studiously stay away from the Vaxx shots that they encouraged patients to take. The NHS needs to pay for its crimes.

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