The WHO is a criminal cartel and needs closed down

You cannot have lived through the Covid tyranny years and failed to conclude anything other than that the “World Health Organisation” is just another globalist front for the implementation of a One World Government. Headed up by the ludicrous Dr Tedros, a former Ethiopian Marxist, who got his exalted position in 2017 care of the lobbying of the Chinese Government, the WHO was central to the Covid Scam. There would not have been a global panic without the WHO.

Remember how the WHO notoriously declared on March 11, 2020 the alleged novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak was a global pandemic? That set the scene for all the globalist politicians to move in lockstep and close down their countries. Now that we know for certain that there was NO “novel coronavirus” we can but conclude that the WHO is a gigantic fraud – but this is where it gets worse.

There is no doubt that although most nations fell into line after the March 11 2020 WHO declaration of a global pandemic, there was some dissent amongst them as to the timing and degree of the measures taken. For example, Sweden was a bit of an outlier when it came to the restrictions and impositions imposed on its people. Wouldn’t it be a much better idea that the NEXT TIME there is a pandemic (and Bill Gates assures us that there WILL be a next time), the WHO can declare such a pandemic and then legally REQUIRE countries to do as it suggests? This gives plausible deniability to political leaders who can simply argue that they are only following the “experts” advice in removing our liberty.

This is where the looming Global Pandemic Accord comes into focus.

The International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response or Pandemic Treaty is a proposed international agreement to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. The 194 World Health Organization (WHO) member states agreed in December 2021 to begin negotiations on a global pandemic treaty, aiming for a draft agreement to be finalized by May 2024 for consideration by the 77th World Health Assembly

The issue here is that any Member state that signs up to this treaty essentially gives up sovereignty to the WHO, which is not an elected body! It erases the ability of any given Country to decide its response to any “pandemic” and hands it over to Tedros and his activists. We are getting closer and closer to D-day and if this goes through and the likes of the UK signs up to it, then the mechanism will be firmly in place to subvert global health freedom. It’s my view that the World Health Organisation is essentially a criminal organisation which should be closed down and all those involved investigated for their links to Big Pharma corruption.

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

You cannot have lived through the Covid tyranny years and failed to conclude anything other than that the “World Health Organisation” is just another globalist front for the implementation of a One World Government. Headed up by the ludicrous Dr Tedros, a former Ethiopian Marxist, who got his exalted position in 2017 care of the lobbying of the Chinese Government, the WHO was central to the Covid Scam. There would not have been a global panic without the WHO.

Remember how the WHO notoriously declared on March 11, 2020 the alleged novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak was a global pandemic? That set the scene for all the globalist politicians to move in lockstep and close down their countries. Now that we know for certain that there was NO “novel coronavirus” we can but conclude that the WHO is a gigantic fraud – but this is where it gets worse.

There is no doubt that although most nations fell into line after the March 11 2020 WHO declaration of a global pandemic, there was some dissent amongst them as to the timing and degree of the measures taken. For example, Sweden was a bit of an outlier when it came to the restrictions and impositions imposed on its people. Wouldn’t it be a much better idea that the NEXT TIME there is a pandemic (and Bill Gates assures us that there WILL be a next time), the WHO can declare such a pandemic and then legally REQUIRE countries to do as it suggests? This gives plausible deniability to political leaders who can simply argue that they are only following the “experts” advice in removing our liberty.

This is where the looming Global Pandemic Accord comes into focus.

The International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response or Pandemic Treaty is a proposed international agreement to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. The 194 World Health Organization (WHO) member states agreed in December 2021 to begin negotiations on a global pandemic treaty, aiming for a draft agreement to be finalized by May 2024 for consideration by the 77th World Health Assembly

The issue here is that any Member state that signs up to this treaty essentially gives up sovereignty to the WHO, which is not an elected body! It erases the ability of any given Country to decide its response to any “pandemic” and hands it over to Tedros and his activists. We are getting closer and closer to D-day and if this goes through and the likes of the UK signs up to it, then the mechanism will be firmly in place to subvert global health freedom. It’s my view that the World Health Organisation is essentially a criminal organisation which should be closed down and all those involved investigated for their links to Big Pharma corruption.

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​David Vance Substack

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