The Return of Princess Catherine (again)


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Well, as the Satanic Olympics came to an end, I see that the Prince and Princess of Wales sent their congratulations to the heavily Lottery funded and underperforming Team GB.

Two things struck me about the Princess. Firstly, she seemed a little gaunt on it (hardly a surprise if she is still having Chemo!) and secondly there was something about the top she was wearing. It seemed … familiar.

Yes, I can see that it is slightly different but is this the only style she wears? I would have thought that she had the choice of the fashion world and now..this.

Also, why does Prince William look so glum in the picture?

Surely they could have managed a slightly happier image to reveal to the Nation?

I continue to find the hiding of the Princess of Wales peculiar and wonder what is really going on in the background.

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