The October 7th massacre – one year on



​  David Vance SubstackRead More

They say that truth is the first casualty of war and I think that applies in many circumstances. Can we get to the truth of what happened on this date in 2023 because it was one year ago TODAY that Palestinian terrorists from Hamas killed 365 people, mostly at the Supernova Sukkot Gathering, an open-air music festival during the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeretnear kibbutz Re’im. Hamas also took 40 people hostage.

It was an audacious and truly vicious slaughter. I have seen video and images of what happened and I wish I hadn’t. No one should ever excuse these killings. It was naked savagery and it’s hard to imagine how human beings can carry out such atrocities but that is the lesson of history. They can and do.

Now there are some questions we must ask and not shy away from asking.

How, precisely, did Israeli forces NOT see this attack coming? Whatever happened to the iron security that Israel was so proud to boast about? The Hamas attack was not particularly sophisticated but it seemingly caught Israel sleeping. I find that curious and I do think questions have to be asked. Some people have gone as far as to suggest that Israel deliberately let this happen so it could then go into Gaza and take Hamas apart. I don’t know if this is true or not. I would suggest only a truly evil regime would sacrifice hundreds of its own citizens in pursuance of such strategic war aims. If I check Israeli history I see no evidence for such a demonic mindset so I tend to believe that it was utter incompetence and laziness that facilitated this Hamas attack. Terrorists can find ways to surprise.

I also think that the outbreak of war in this regime was helpful to the globalist agenda of keeping us all in fear. Since October 7th 2023, we have seen a further escalation in conflict in the region with Israel also attacking Hezbollah on its northern border, with every good reason. Iran has now directly attacked Israel and we await the Israeli response at time of writing.

However, the fact of the matter is that Hamas IS a terrorist organisation that the people of Gaza mostly support. They cheered on the barbarism of that day but they aren’t cheering so much one year on, as Israel has wiped out a significant chunk of Hamas rank and file and killed much of the leadership, including those who planned Oct 7th. Tragically, many civilians have also lost their lives and that is to be lamented but Hamas choose to embed themselves within civilian structures so what else can Israel do.

Since October 7th, we have seen large public demonstrations across the West, including London, in support of “Palestinians”. Let’s be honest, they mean Hamas. They mean Hezbollah. These are Jew Haters and include some liberal Jews in their ranks.

After the 7th October attack, Israel HAD to go into Gaza and take Hamas out. 12 months on, its forces are still there. I can understand why. If you leave Gaza to Palestinians, it becomes a terror base again. Why on earth would Israel accept that?

In this region, passions run high, hatreds endure and violence is always the consequence. I don’t think any “Two State Solution” is practical when the hatred is genocidal. On this day, Hamas celebrate their attack one year ago and revel in what they did. I don’t see how you can reconcile with that mindset. Do you?

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