Suffer Little Children – in Israel.
An 8 year old little boy who was used to advertise the Covid jabs in Israel dies suddenly? Cause of death – heart attack. 8 years old.
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I will not submit, I will not comply
An 8 year old little boy who was used to advertise the Covid jabs in Israel dies suddenly? Cause of death – heart attack. 8 years old.
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Getting to be a teacher, one might think, has certain checks and balances. So what are we to make of a US elementary school that selects a former Drag Queen was was arrested for child porn and taking drugs in the past. Worse again, the individual was…
Let’s see if we can join up the dots between how they nudge people into taking dangerous vaccines, embarking on high risk fertility treatments, and offering up their kids for butchery! Buckle up…
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What are we to make of doctors who prescribe drugs to gender confused teenagers which in other circumstances are used to chemically castrate rapists? What are the ethic of such behaviour?
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The global LGBTQ+ coalition, supposedly in place to encourage “inclusion and tolerance”, is rapidly being turned into a vicious totalitarian…
A new study in the UK suggests around half of all children suffered some sort of emotional damage caused by lockdowns. This should surprise no-one!
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Inexplicable. Type 1 Diabetes is soaring in children/teenagers since “Covid”. If only we could work out what causes it….
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A report from 2022 says that children today are 30% less fit than their parents generation. It blames climate change, laughably. The real reason is lack of physical exercise and technology plays a central part, regrettably.
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Remember that time when Former Health Secretary Matt Hancock expressed his hope that ALL children would be given the experimental gene therapies? We were in thrall to monsters and we must never forget that or forgive them!
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When those at a Pride Rally chant that they are “coming for our children”, should we believe them?
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What are we to make of those surgeons who profit by providing “gender affirming surgery’? I see them as butchers.
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US Retail Chain Target continue to push their Satanically designed LGBTQ+ clothes for kids even though denying it.
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Too many obese teenagers? Here’s a convenient solution, put them on long term drugs that will help them lose weight. I have a better solution – skip the Big Pharma snake oil and encourage them to exercise more and eat less!
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When I was a child, I think I received about 2 maybe 3 childhood vaccinations. In 2023, the average child will have received 30 vaccines by the time they hit their teenage years. Is this healthy or is this concerning?
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One of the most effective ways to propagandise children is to use popular children’s TV and Movie characters to advance the LGBTQ+ narrative. And that’s exactly what they are doing with the popular Transformers franchise.
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