Episode 10: 7/25/23 – Stay in your lane: our drive through South Central LA with Ice Cube
Tucker Carlson’s voice is an honest view off all topics he covers. The MSM has tried to silence his voice….
I will not submit, I will not comply
Tucker Carlson’s voice is an honest view off all topics he covers. The MSM has tried to silence his voice….
My account at Twitter has been Suspended for replying to the following post. The letter bellow contains my reply(in red)…
David is a little under the weather at the moment and has lost his voice, there will be no podcast or live shows for the next few days. Thank you for your continuing support
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According to senior SNP colleagues and as reported in The Times the Police may charge former SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, her husband Colin Murrell and former SNP Treasurer Colin Beattie with embezzlement and fraud. The SNP is going down.
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The opinion polls of GOP registered voters are sending a clear message – Donald Trump is way ahead of ALL other wannabe candidates to get the nomination to run for the Presidency. Those hoping DeSantis has a chance are delusional I am afraid.
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It was an exciting atmosphere down in the newsrooms of Sky and the BBC on Thursday evening. The usual commentators…
Labour Deputy Leader Angela Rayner accidentally (?) lets the cat out of the bag when she reveals that ULEZ (Ultra Low Emissions Zones) are going to be spreading across the UK and we better brace for what this will mean!
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Warner Bros have released “Barbie – the Movie” and if you ever you fancied 1hr and 54m for man-hating Hollywood garbage, this is the one to choose!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Well, the short answer is – there is no difference. Just as the traditional “flu” season was cynically manipulated and…
Summertime is being weaponised *against* us in the same way as the “flu” was weaponised against us and for the same reason.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
What lessons can we learn from the by-election results from last Friday? I think there is one obvious and crunch lesson but you mightn’t like it!!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Those of us living in the United States are engaged in a Civil War. The shooting hasn’t begun, I hope…
1. Apocalypse now for the Fake Conservatives?2. DeBanking as a control mechanism3. Summer of illegal immigration
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
There is going to be a very big battle between the British Government and tech companies like Apple, WhatsApp and Signal. Our totalitarian Government is demanding it MUST have access into end to end encrypted messages – to keep us safe (!) – but the …