Having just turned 52, I am definitely now of an age where I can make distinct comparisons between the country I grew up in and the one I am, somewhat unfortunate, to live in today. Most folk, preoccupied with looking after their kids and partners, are often unintentionally blind to the changes in society – particularly when those changes take place at an almost imperceptibly slow speed. It’s only when you take the long view, looking back on pictures of Britain thirty or forty years ago, that you appreciate just how much has changed for the worse.
One of these changes has been the meteoric rise of bollards on the pavements of our major towns and cities. When you have time, Google an image of a typical British high street or major thoroughfare right up until the 1990s and you’ll see bollards are few and far between. Then, the next time you visit central London, or Manchester, or Bristol, or any other significant UK settlement to catch up on some last-minute Christmas shopping, observe just how ubiquitous these things are in major downtown areas. They’re everywhere: outside shopping malls; outside civic buildings; outside leisure facilities; outside hotels; on bridges separating roads from pavements; on the edges of markets squares, etc.
Should you ever ask a government or security official why our streets are now littered with these grotesque steel pillars, you’ll probably be told it’s to do with the rise in ramraiding over that time. You might even be told the bollards are there to prevent drivers using pedestrianised areas as short cuts in rush hour traffic. Both of those things might be true to a certain extent, but the sheer volume of these bollards and their numerous locations belie the true nature of their necessity. It’s the same reason why I noticed armed police at the Christmas Market in Manchester earlier this week. Indeed, we were reminded of why all these security measures are really necessary on the evening of December 20th in the German city of Magdeburg (https://www.reuters.com/world/car-ploughs-into-christmas-market-eastern-german-town-media-reports-say-2024-12-20/).
Even a few years ago, a terrorist attack from a follower of Islam would have had people across the globe shocked and stunned. You’ll probably remember how you reacted to the news of the Madrid train bombing in March 2004, or the 7/7 attacks in London a year later. Those attacks, in the wake of the truly shattering murderous assault on New York City in 2001, had the capacity to rock one’s emotions for days and weeks (even months!) later. But I’ll be honest here and say outside my absolute sense of sadness for yet two more victims of the West’s great cultural and diversity experiment, I gave an insouciant shrug of the shoulders. Not because I have a heart of stone (you don’t have a successful and award-winning 28 years in the disability care industry by not being a genuinely caring person) but because I know that no lessons will be learned, just as no lessons have been learned from the aforementioned Islamic terrorist attacks. Europe and, to a lesser extent, North America and the Antipodes will continue to extend their collective arms to millions and millions of people from a religion which, lets face it, has shown time and time and time again its basic incompatibility with Western values of free speech, Christian ethics, female equality and social democracy.
Of course, for all the Lefty bed-wetters out there keen to report me to Starmer’s Stasi police for ‘services to Islamophobia’, I am NOT saying all Muslims are mouth-frothing jihadists. However, what I am unapologetically saying is that Islam has millions of followers who do not subscribe to the sorts of values and cultural norms we in the West take for granted (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.wzb.eu/system/files/docs/sv/iuk/koopmans_englisch_ed.pdf). Furthermore, many in that religion see Islam as a fundamentally revolutionary creed. Why do you think so many Muslims have found such accommodating figures on the British far-Left when it comes to things like spewing Jew and Israel hatred on the streets of London and elsewhere each weekend? It’s because they share a common endeavour of wanting to overthrow the established order: for the Muslims, it’s the Judeo-Christian heritage of the West; for the Left, it’s our capitalist economic model. Both groups see Israel and the Jews as centrepiece obstacles to the realisation of their objective, hence the visceral loathing on display every time the Jewish state comes under attack or resorts to defending itself in the wake of such an attack. Hatred that is never forthcoming in other conflicts with far greater numbers of casualties.
I’ll re-emphasise that lessons won’t be learned from yesterday, because they never have been. We’ll have a political and policing establishment on the one hand desperately pushing the narrative that Magdeburg had absolutely nothing to do with radical Islam (the same establishment that in the UK feebly attempted to con us into believing the Southport stabber was initially a possible distant relative of Roald Dahl!). On the other hand, we’ll have a media class straining at the leash to call anyone who objects to a Europe cowed into timidity by speaking the truth of what lies behind all this dystopia as ‘far-Right’ (https://www.politico.eu/article/magdeburg-christmas-market-attack-europe-far-right-elon-musk/). It’s a pattern we’ve seen repeated ad nauseum over the past few decades.
Why do I continue to point the finger at the Islamic religion generally? Well, to anyone with a talent for perspicacity greater than that of a bar of soap, it’s blindingly obvious: we don’t have all these problems with any other mainstream religion in Europe. That’s not opinion, that’s fact! Does anyone really think we have armed police at Christmas markets because of Sikhs!? Is anyone convinced a Batley religious studies teacher is currently in hiding because of Judaism!? Did those victims of the Manchester Arena bombing perish at the hands of a morally-discombobulated Hindu!? No, no and no! Radical Islam, with its tentacles across our continent akin to the giant squid grappling with the Nautilus in Verne’s ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’, is responsible. We’re told “diversity is our strength”. So much so it relies on 24/7 propaganda to constantly remind us, a police state to enforce it, and a cucked political and media class to cover up its consequences. Never mind the bollards, eh!
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