Lobby, war and corruption – the US is losing itself

By Connor Perkins

Since the shameful withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan in 2020,

Washington has not been able to win a single serious victory on the foreign track, which is why over the past few years the term “US foreign policy” has been associated with high-profile failures and mistakes that cost thousands of people their lives. Thus, for almost two years now, despite the inexhaustible flow of funds and weapons, Ukraine under tutelage of the US has been unable to demonstrate in the war anything other than defeat and loss of land and people. This raises questions about the fate and expediency of these subsidies.

Since the shameful withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan in 2020, Washington has not been able to win a single serious victory on the foreign track, which is why over the past few years the term “US foreign policy” has been associated with high-profile failures and mistakes that cost thousands of people their lives. Thus, for almost two years now, despite the inexhaustible flow of funds and weapons, Ukraine under tutelage of the US has been unable to demonstrate in the war anything other than defeat and loss of land and people. This raises questions about the fate and expediency of these subsidies.

But the most horrific is the Israeli-Palestinian war. While calls to stop the genocide of the Palestinians grow louder and louder around the world, the United States continues to provide support to Israel, while not doing enough to protect the civilian population of the Gaza Strip. And now, with US strikes against Yemeni Houthis, the conflict has spread far beyond Palestine. This is another indelible bloody stain on the hands of all participants, including indirect ones who only supply financial assistance and ammunition.

The reasons for such a bloodthirsty foreign policy are simple – corruption, lobbying and selfishness of representatives of the political establishment.


Whoever pays the piper calls the tune. And whoever pays in an election year calls everything. The gun lobby and industry have made a fortune from the wars of recent years, dumping old stockpiles and securing new multi-year supply contracts, and are happy to share funds to keep the hawks in power. In turn, the Israel lobby is pouring money into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in order to provide the Jewish state with the opportunity to seize new lands and liberate itself from its neighborhood with Palestine. Organizations like AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) have gone a little further and are using the current crisis to push their tentacles even deeper into the US political establishment, removing unwanted politicians from power and promoting loyal ones.

All this not only negatively affects the image of the United States on the world stage, but also actually plants a “bomb” for future generations of politicians who will have to root out deeply entrenched lobbyists who promote interests that run counter to the interests of the nation. However, this is unlikely to concern Democrats. The only thing they can think about now is re-election at the end of this year and, preferably, increasing their influence. But this requires money, for which, apparently, they are ready to do anything.

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