Having a HART for Science.

“Follow the Science” has been a relentless cry from the Government over the past ten months. Yet it has become increasingly clear that the Government wants to follow the advice of some scientists, whilst ignoring that from others. I was very pleased to read of the launch of a new group called HART – The Health Advisory and Recovery Team. Who are HART? Well…

HART is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists and psychologists who use a strong and broad multidisciplinary evidence base to challenge the Government’s policies on tackling COVID-19. We aim to provide politicians and the wider public with a credible second opinion. We represent a broad range of disciplines with a wide range of individual evidence-based expert views. Over time, as new evidence becomes available, our positions may adapt and change. We believe this is how science should work.

Like me, you may think this is a reasonable and sober approach to take. HART go in their mission statement to explain some of the areas where they seek to apply their expertise;

The benefits versus harms of lockdowns across the whole of medicine and to wider society;

The benefits versus harms of school, college and university closures;

The benefits versus harms of universal mask wearing in the community;

Mass-testing procedures and associated data analysis;

A full assessment of the negative psychological impact, on individuals and wider society, of the government and the media’s communication style

Safe and effective treatment and prevention/prophylaxis options in addition to, or as alternatives to vaccination.

It is reassuring to see so many experts apply their minds to these crucial areas and let’s hope Government realises it is sage to seek a plurality of expertise!

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