Greens DENY biological reality!

It shouldn’t really come as a surprise but it’s still amusing to see the so-called Green Party twist itself into all sorts of contortions so that it can continue to deny reality.

The Scottish Greens have expelled a number of members who declared “sex is a biological reality”. An official complaint accused them of making the party less safe for trans and non-binary members.

Let that sink it for just a moment. So if you a member of this party in Scotland and you state the indisputable FACT that “sex is a biological reality” you are likely to be declared a danger to trans and non-binary members and then expelled!

How on Earth have the Greens come to this parting from reality? I believe it’s because the Green Party itself is a fraud from to to bottom. Under the guise of Environmentalism, it has turned itself into the wokest of political entities advocating a hybrid Communist/Globalist agenda.

In Scotland, it insisted that the Scottish Government must move to reduce carbon emissions by 75% by 2030. When even the demented SNP recognised this was literally impossible, the Greens pulled out of the Governing coalition. They are absolute zealots and have no interest in actual economic realities as much as they have no interest in biological realities.

It doesn’t get any better in England where we saw the following happen last month!

A Green Party councillor has apologised after he was criticised for calling his local election victory a “win for the people of Gaza”. Mothin Ali, 42, made the comments after being elected on Friday for the Gipton and Harehills ward, in Leeds.

Yes, in England the Greens are selected pro-Gaza candidates and in Scotland they are sacking pro biological reality members. This Green Party is clearly a subversive front for all kinds of extreme ideological whackos. The worry is that their popularity appears to be growing – a clear sign of our fast decaying society!

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

It shouldn’t really come as a surprise but it’s still amusing to see the so-called Green Party twist itself into all sorts of contortions so that it can continue to deny reality.

The Scottish Greens have expelled a number of members who declared “sex is a biological reality”. An official complaint accused them of making the party less safe for trans and non-binary members.

Let that sink it for just a moment. So if you a member of this party in Scotland and you state the indisputable FACT that “sex is a biological reality” you are likely to be declared a danger to trans and non-binary members and then expelled!

How on Earth have the Greens come to this parting from reality? I believe it’s because the Green Party itself is a fraud from to to bottom. Under the guise of Environmentalism, it has turned itself into the wokest of political entities advocating a hybrid Communist/Globalist agenda.

In Scotland, it insisted that the Scottish Government must move to reduce carbon emissions by 75% by 2030. When even the demented SNP recognised this was literally impossible, the Greens pulled out of the Governing coalition. They are absolute zealots and have no interest in actual economic realities as much as they have no interest in biological realities.

It doesn’t get any better in England where we saw the following happen last month!

A Green Party councillor has apologised after he was criticised for calling his local election victory a “win for the people of Gaza”. Mothin Ali, 42, made the comments after being elected on Friday for the Gipton and Harehills ward, in Leeds.

Yes, in England the Greens are selected pro-Gaza candidates and in Scotland they are sacking pro biological reality members. This Green Party is clearly a subversive front for all kinds of extreme ideological whackos. The worry is that their popularity appears to be growing – a clear sign of our fast decaying society!

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​David Vance Substack

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