Green and Red visions from hell!


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Do you remember when we talked about King Charles most recent portrait by artist Jonathan Yeo – the one in which you could virtually smell the stench of sulphur from the flames?

Well, Jonathan has been a busy boy and he is back again with a similar type of portrait of renowned globalist eco alarmist David Attenborough.

Just a few questions;

Does Jonathan have limited paints to choose from?

Doesn’t Attenborough look as if he is sitting in some weird jungle background?

Is the Artist trying to tell us something that goes deeper than what appears?

The “Charles in Red” and “Attenborough in Green”are clearly the same sort of style and yes, they DO draw attention. They draw my attention to the fact that both these men are card carrying members of the WEF club and both seem committed to massive global depopulation.

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