Why Tommy Robinson is Voldemort


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

I attended a rally organised by Tommy Robinson on the 27th July in London. Along with 50,000 other British patriots, we gathered to demand an end to two-tier policing and insist that Government enforce our borders and deport those who have broken our laws to come to this country. It was a sunny afternoon, spirits were high and music was played and prayers were heard. People of all ethnicities were present from all parts of the UK and indeed beyond. I did not speak at the Event, but I had spoken at my own Event in London the night before! I had spoken to Tommy Robinson in the preceding weeks and found him an engaging and agreeable person. I remember leaving the rally happy, feeling it was good to see a sea of Union Jacks in Trafalgar Square rather than the usual dismal display of Palestinian flags!

I woke up on Sunday morning to discover on the news that Tommy Robinson had been arrested under Counter-terrorism legislation. This seemed astonishing and implied he had been involved in terrorist behaviour. As the day wore on it became increasingly clear that he has committed no such crime and it appears to have been an establishment assault on Mr Robinson for no discernible reason other than to make him fearful. Naturally a lot of those people who attended his rally on the Saturday then went to Downing Street on the Sunday to protest his detention and the two-tier policing involved. I know some of those who went along and who were able to see the menacing face of the Metropolitan Police for the first time. I know one lady, in her 60’s and who is disabled, who was almost arrested as she stood quietly at the Cenotaph. Two Tier Policing became a reality for all to see, with 100 arrests that night.

On the Monday, the next day, news came in of the killings of three young girls and the wounding of five others by what turned out to be a second generation Rwandan who the media tried to pass off as a “Cardiff man”. Tensions rose and more rallies were called across the UK. Some of these ignited into riots, which was clearly unfortunate and counterproductive-productive. Tommy Robinson had by this point gone for a holiday with his family until the Deep State rag the Daily Mail doxxed where he had gone, so endangering his life.

Eventually, as PM Starmer showed a woeful inability to command the situation and reassure ALL communities, anger mounted further. It seemed that ONLY the Muslim community was at risk and that narrative was enforced across the media. Tommy Robinson called for peaceful protest and I saw nothing from him that could be seen as incendiary.

However, he is in essence “Voldemort” – he whose name must not be spoken. Nigel Farage had raised some legitimate concerns surrounding the Southport killings and was instantly denounced as a “conspiracy theorist”. He then u-turned, denied any connection to Tommy Robinson, and in that moment lost a lot of support for Reform. At the Saturday rally I attended, I would suggest MOST attendees were Reform supporters.

Why has Farage abandoned Robinson? Simple – he dare not risk being tainted by association. Robinson is a working class man with popular appeal and he has exposed horrendous shortcomings in how the State deals with largely Muslim rape gangs. Rather than be praised for this he is castigated, demonised, and it is now being suggested “on good authority” that he will be sent to prison in October.

It seems that the elite UK establishment hates the UK white working class with such a venom that it wants to put Tommy Robinson behind bars, lock up as many of his supporters as it can get away with, and close down debate on two-tier policing. It seeks to demonise legitimate concerns over muslim grooming gangs and mass migration. In essence, as Voldemort observed; “There is no good or evil; there is only power and those too weak to seek it”

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