Thought crime in 2024.


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

It’s simple really, if we want to understand the purpose of the Keir Starma Junta in the UK.

Worried about Open Borders? Concerned about Mass Migration? Anxious about Islam? Be of good cheer and put aside all such concerns. Your shiny new “serving” Labour administration is in full control and knows exactly what is good for you. If you can bring yourself to accept this, then the struggle will end and you will LOVE Big Brother Keir and his regime. No need for any critical thinking, just time for total obedience and submission.

Now I know some of you may say, “yes David, but our communities are being swamped and we don’t feel safe on our own streets anymore”. Fortunately there is an off-the-shelf solution.

This is pretty much where we are in August 2024.

In Northern Ireland we have an off-the-shel response.

No Surrender.

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