Could the Boosters be boosting – Cancer?
Robert Kennedy suggests that new evidence may indicate that Covid boosters have the unintended but disastrous consequence of accelerating milder cancers.
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I will not submit, I will not comply
Robert Kennedy suggests that new evidence may indicate that Covid boosters have the unintended but disastrous consequence of accelerating milder cancers.
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At long last, the CDC releases a comprehensive study on VAERS reported Covid vaccine adverse reactions – and its devastating.
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Over on Twitter, journalist Greg Rubin produces his own indictments of ‘Mr Science” himself, Dr Fauci, and his central involvement with the alleged Bioweapon SarsCov2. And boy it doesn’t look good for Fauci!
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BBC finally forced to admit that the UK is experiencing excess deaths the likes of which we have not seen in 50 years. But what could be CAUSING this? Well, how about we aren’t paying ambulance drivers enough money? Have a listen…
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For two years, he was an enthusiastic salesman for the Covid jabs, at one point suggesting that efficacy was around 100%. But in recent times, he has started to ask some big questions about the killer jabs. Is he controlled opposition or is he a genu…
Despite all the mounting evidence, the NHS continues to target pregnant women for jabs! Just how wicked is this organisation?
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The Dalai Lama was one of many “spiritual” leaders drafted in to try and convince the faithful to take the jabs. Yet he has NO medical background whatsoever and so his words carry zero scientific weighting. Why did he allow himself to be used to mani…
Despite all the bullying and propaganda, the majority of frontline NHS workers have declined to take the Flu shot AND the fourth Covid jab!
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What a surprise! Thailand prepares to demand proof of at least TWO Covid jabs in order to enter the country. They say this is in response to the China situation. They are lying.
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They see repeating the same thing over and over again even when it is clear that it doesn’t work is one definition of insanity. I think it’s also a sign of how malevolent the Covid establishment is at all levels.
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Some of the most vociferous advocates for the jabs often end up in a terrible state. Let’s discuss…
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Despite the hype, the threats, the isolation and the mocking, each day that passes proves us right in rejecting the experimental gene therapy.
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It’s January and THAT means we need a new Covid sub variant to keep the sheep scared. It’s got a name – “The Kraken”!
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If we listen to Humpty Dumpty, we gain a deep understanding of the great COVID scam!
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