No Country for White Girls

I’ve just finished reading a book about Captain James Cook. En route across the Pacific in 1777 on his boat called Resolution, Cook spent a short while on the island of Tahiti. One day in early September Cook, with two of his crew (the ship’s surgeon Dr William Anderson, and a Mr John Webber), travelled to the neighbouring island of Moorea to witness a human sacrifice. According to Cook’s own records, the victim was a man in ‘middle age’ and the Captain couldn’t fathom what he had done wrong to merit such a gruesome end. Cook and his two accompanying crewmen kept their counsel during the ceremony, but were quick to condemn “this barbarous custom” once it had taken place.

Of course, human sacrifices haven’t taken place in Polynesia for over 200 years. I’d like to think the world as a whole is a far too sophisticated place for such actions a quarter of the way into the 21st Century. Not so here in the UK, it would seem. We’ve been tacitly turning a blind eye to human sacrifice for the best part of 35 years. Oh I KNOW our esteemed Establishment – political and media – wouldn’t describe it as human sacrifice, but I honestly do not know what else to call it. For as the Pacific Islanders practiced human sacrifice in the name of a cultist set of beliefs, our politicians and journalists and social workers and chief constables and safeguarding officials and many others….have turned a blind eye to human sacrifice – biological, emotional and mental – in the name of the cult of ‘multiculturalism’.

Make no mistake about it, the desire to uphold the insane illusion (or perhaps ‘delusion’) that a multicultural society where beliefs and moral systems so antithetical to each other living in an uneasy cheek-by-jowl arrangement is somehow a ‘success’, supersedes the personal dignity and bodily integrity of working class white girls in this country. Nothing must be done to shatter the multicultural harmonious facade, even it it results in the permanent mental damage and, in some cases even the suicide, of white working class girls. In the eyes of our rulers and so-called ‘betters’, they’ve been entirely expendable. Yes, dear readers, this is nothing less than human sacrifice in the modern era!

I could not think of a more harrowing experience for a woman than to have her body penetrated and defiled against her will. The horrors of thousands of young girls have been partially laid bare by the revelations of the past few weeks. The excellent young hack Charlie Peters, of GB News fame, must surely receive an accolade for his outstanding work in exposing this appalling menace. However, in typically mendacious fashion, our government has refused to commit to a new national inquiry. It says that the Jay Report ( is a perfectly adequate mechanism with which to take forward recommendations for the future. It doesn’t seem to matter to them that Jay’s investigation only covered a fraction of the towns subsequently highlighted by Peters, and that nothing would preclude the implementation of Jay’s various recommendations even if a new inquiry were to go ahead. As a cheap consolation prize, Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has declared support for a series of local inquiries to take place. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves with gratitude here. Cooper (and Starmer et al) will know full well that a local inquiry does not have the power to compel witnesses to give evidence in court under Oath, whereas a national inquiry does. That potentially spares dozens, if not hundreds, of prominent public figures the embarrassment of having their acquiescence by neglect in this human sacrifice exposed fully to an increasingly angry native British population.

It would seem the mass rape of white working class girls is but another chapter in the voluminous encyclopaedia entitled ‘Why Multiculturalism Can Never Work’ (other chapters include the aforementioned omnipresent public bollards, animal slaughter cruelty, de facto blasphemy rules, mass anti-Semitism, sartorial alienation, free speech suspension, and street fighting with weapons). We all know that had the abuse been taking place in the opposite direction, there would have been every power the British state could muster expended on bringing the perpetrators to justice – and rightly so. In the United Kingdom of 2024, I feel the need to paraphrase George Orwell: ‘All men are equal, but certain ethnic minorities are more equal than others’.

So, turning to these ‘moderate Muslims’ we always hear so much about, where is their condemnation at what has been unleased on the majority demographic in this country? I have yet to see a mass gathering of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in streets up and down the land crying ‘Not In Our Name!!’. They’re quick enough -alongside repulsive middle class Lefties – to gather in their thousands to scream hatred at Israel (even after a ceasefire has been agreed They’d move at lightning speed to stamp their feet, tug at their little beards and beat their chests if news broke about a three-month-old boy from Inverness who’d accidentally used the corner of a Koran as a teething ring. So where are the demonstrations of solidarity here? I’ll tell you where….NOWHERE! Because they know they live in a country whose ruling classes would happily see its majority population metaphorically kicked into the dirt before they would begin to even tacitly address one of the thousands of defects associated with the multicultural disaster they’ve inflicted upon us.

This time, though, there are two crucial differences: The first is the existence of media outlets who are not afraid to deviate from official narratives; the second is an insurgent political party determined to see justice applied to everyone across the board without fear or favour, and be damned with the consequences of upsetting the multiculti applecart. Mass rape gangs is now a news genie that can’t be put back inside the bottle of politically correct convenience. It’s gone way beyond that. Other European countries are starting to wake up and act accordingly in dealing with their own culturally-incompatible hazards. We have to do the same.

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