Thursday Might LIVE PODCAST 26/10/2023
1. Masks, Jabs and Fear2. US House gets a new Speaker!3. Whiteness should be a protected characteristic. Views: 0
I will not submit, I will not comply
1. Masks, Jabs and Fear2. US House gets a new Speaker!3. Whiteness should be a protected characteristic. Views: 0
Another day and another fall for US President Joe Biden. This is now a habit and whilst it’s embarrassing for him the greater embarrassment is for the United States. If it’s leader is weak and unstable, isn’t that suggesting the US is likewise?
The House of Representatives just passed the debt ceiling deal by an overwhelming majority – even among Republicans. The final…
Today marks the 25th anniversary of the political carve up known as the Good Friday Agreement. I remember it well…
As I wrote some sixteen years ago:- In retrospect, Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States, was a disaster…
The media is crowing that Joe Biden took decisive action and ordered the shooting down of a small object over Alaska. The object was travelling quite slowly and was the size of a small car. But did anything really happen?
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Are we sure that this was a “Chinese Spy Balloon”? Why would China use such old technology to spy on the US? Why did Biden take so long to respond? What is really going on here?
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
The Stupid Party has swallowed the bait Democrats laid. Republicans are orgiastic over the Democrat-orchestrated ouster of Biden over classified…
US President Joe Biden (or more likely one of his young advisers) decided to tweet that EVERYONE aged 6 months and older get their Covid vaccine update. Given all the knowledge we now have about vaccine associated damage, why would he do this?
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Swamp creature Kevin McCarthy becomes Speaker of the House on the 15th attempt. Face it – the entire US Congress is controlled and it isn’t working in your best interests and never will.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Let’s look at the five most important issues that impacted across 2022 Views: 0
Eighteen Republicans joined all 48 Democrats and two independents in passing the Omnibus Spending bill, the final vote was 68-29. Here is a full…
Language is weaponised against us. Words are sculpted into cannons that are then despatched against those deemed the enemy. The same people who coined “Climate Denier” and “Vaccine Denier” now hurl the epithet “Election Denier” against anyone questio…
And so Dr Anthony Fauci prepares for a long and happy retirement, giving his final press conference. His final words exhort people to take the vaccination as it is safe and effective. My reaction…
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Let the persecutions CONTINUE….. a double corrupt witch-hunt has just been begun to persecute and prevent Donald J Trump from…