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Russia & China aren’t the threat to the U.S.

If you watch the News, or read it – no matter how it is you consume your general state of the world information, if you are an American you are fed the view that our nations two existential threats are China and Russia.

Whichever side of the aisle you lean towards strongly influences which one you view as worse. The right tends toward China, the left to Russia. Both these nations are a threat. They are our military equals in the sense that any of the 3 of us is more than capable of killing all mankind. As arrogant and evil you may view any of the 3, not one of them want to actually do that.

The great nations of the world understand we all need each others business. The argument since WWII has been who will control that flow of fuel, food, money, and goods. For the first 50 years it was primarily between the U.S. & U.S.S.R. the U.S.S.R. lost. Not only did it lose the Chinese joined the fight quickly moving not just into second place they are pushing for 1st place with great strides.

The capitalist nations of the world which all 3 of these nations are, no matter the form of leadership they have, each is motivated by the wealth of the worlds resources. Each will use violence at times to maintain or gain an edge in the control of these resources, but each understands there is no profit in killing all the customers. Mutually Assured Destruction works, especially in warfare that may occasionally get hot, the underlying factor is always economic. No one gets rich and powerful if everyone is dead.

The threat to the U.S. at this point in time comes from our Southern Border, and the threat I’m talking about has nothing to do with the masses fleeing South America. The threat is from the Terrorists that have been coming in with them.

Nearly 100 noncitizens on the FBI’s terror watchlist were arrested attempting to sneak into the United States from Mexico over the past year, setting a new record and prompting security concerns among Republicans, according to newly released government data.

Border Patrol agents determined that 98 of the 2.3 million people apprehended while attempting to cross the southern border illegally in fiscal 2022 were suspected terrorists or closely affiliated with terrorist organizations.

Looking at that number only 98 out of the 2.3 million people apprehended it does not sound like a very threatening number. Until you put it in the right perspective. The hijackers in the September 11 attacks, who were often referred to as the 9/11 hijackers, were 19 men affiliated with the militant Islamist group al-Qaeda. They hailed from four countries; It only took 19 men to kill 2,996 people in the September 11, 2001 attacks. Viewing it from that perspective is how it must be viewed.

Those 98 are the known terrorists that were apprehended, we have no idea of the number that weren’t apprehended or were caught, but were not on the list. What we do know is that number is 5x the number of men that killed 3000 people on 9/11. We also know a large portion of those caught from the Terror List are Islamic from the Middle East. Prayer Rugs and Middle Eastern documents have been found discarded in the desert from “got away’s”.

Now start putting the other factors into the equation. There are a couple of million Middle Easterners that really don’t like us. We were attacked on 9/11 because these people hated us for just doing business as usual. Imagine now the added hate after killing tens of thousands of them over the past 21yrs since 9/11.

Iran has publicly called for the destruction of the U.S. and are refining Uranium for weapons. The Caliphate we destroyed 3 years ago is rebuilding, mostly from the profit of the $Billions in weapons the Biden Administration left behind in Afghanistan. In every middle eastern nation you can find thousands of Muslims that want us dead.

True Believers that think our destruction is the Will of Allah, that the world must be bathed in blood to bring the return of the Mahdi their Christ. This Christ is not the one of Love & Peace. These people are Zealots. They are not motivated by profit, they believe their reward comes from how they die and how many non-believers they take with them when they go, or before they go.

There is nothing stopping anyone who wants to come to the U.S. from entering our Southern Border. The Biden Administration admits to 2.76 Million people having crossed Illegally in just the last year alone. The actual number is much much higher.

Just using the number they admit to 2.76 Million, if only half of 1% of those that have entered are terrorist’s that is 138,000 terrorists. It took only 19 to pull off 9/11. We are sitting on a ticking bomb that no one in our Government is trying to defuse. The Biden Administration believes it is worth the risk of letting a few terrorists into the country, as long as they can flood the country with what they believe will be Democrat voters. If one or two attacks happen as a result they’ll just blame it on MAGA and the January 6th riot.

This is the real threat that the U.S. faces, it’s only a matter of time.

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