Taking the ….

Exciting news for those who suffer from UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infection)! There is a new VACCINE to deal with it, it is pineapple flavoured and delivered via an aerosol spray! What could POSSIBLY go wrong, I ask?

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Hate Crime law is hateful

I’m under no illusion that the “free speech” that I currently enjoy is unlikely to stay that way in the time ahead. Let’s consider the headline below. No one should be remotely surprised at this news. The purpose of restoring the Stormont assembly was to ensure that Northern Ireland fell into line with the globalist agenda. The imposition of oxymoronic hate crime legislation is to censor and criminalise anyone who dares criticise the narrative. When the narrative itself is so hateful, so anti-human, so implausible, so degenerate, we all have a moral obligation to challenge it.

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The 1st trans to have an abortion.

In case you thought that hell wasn’t real and that demons don’t exist, listen to this as we hear a trans activist fantasise about getting a fake womb fitted so it can have an abortion. David Vance Substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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The Media is 24/7 Fear Porn

The best thing you can do is to turn OFF all mainstream media. It exists to simply push FEAR and approved PROPAGANDA 24/7 and the less that you expose yourself to it then the stronger you will be! I suspect that one reason so many of us got through the Covid psyop was because we didn’t tune in for “the news” on an hourly basis and so we missed the fear that they were selling. Our minds could not be “programmed” because we chose not to watch the programmes that do it to us!

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