Net Zero Conservatives.

We know that this outgoing Conservative Government is deeply committed to achieving “Net Zero” by 2050 and is happy to ensure the internal combustion engine is banned from 2035. However by embracing this globalist nihilism it strikes me the only thing it will achieve is Net Zero seats come the General Election!

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Bird Flu Vaxx incoming…

Some of us recognised that “Covid 19” was not what they said it was, and then we realised it didn’t even exist at all was more problematical than that! It was a scam from start to finish, despite the efforts of cranks such as those in the WHO pretending it was akin to the Spanish Flu (which was neither Spanish nor the Flu, btw!)

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LGBT Rivers?

The Rainbow Cult knows no limits and it has now produced a map of London which explicitly states “LGBT+ Rivers run through London” with London’s many river systems turned into rainbow colours!

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Prepped for WW3

I don’t believe in coincidence, do you? And when it comes to the mainstream media, which is primarily all about amplifying approved deep state messages, I definitely don’t believe in coincidences! Here are a few headlines from the world’s largest online newspaper, the Daily Mail.

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Was Ukraine behind Moscow Massacre?

All wars are dirty wars and the one between NATO and Russia is no different in that regard. It’s hard to be sure of what is true and what is false so I say that as prelude to the news that Russia has just released interrogation footage of the terrorists who carried out the attack in Moscow.

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