Who is running the US?

Having watched the US Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden the one thing that has been confirmed is that whilst Joe Biden may be called “Mr President” there is simply no way that he is actually running the administration. I doubt he could run a bath. So that begs the question who *is* actually making all the decisions ordinarily reserved for the President?

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Glastonbury is a Satanic mind control camp

Music festivals have been happening at Worthy Farm, Glastonbury since 1970. It has grown bigger and bigger over the decades and around 200,000 people are expected to attend it this year. It has attracted some of the biggest names in the music industry with people like Paul McCartney and Elton John playing at the festival. But is there a darkness to Glastonbury? Is it something MORE than a Music festival, is it a satanic mind control camp?

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