A Threat to Our Democracy On April 4th 2023 a real Insurrection took place in the United States, an Insurrection…
I will not submit, I will not comply
A Threat to Our Democracy On April 4th 2023 a real Insurrection took place in the United States, an Insurrection…
Did you see that the Environment Agency is seeking to ban “Power Showers” and dual flush toilets so that it can reduce our annual water allowance?
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Police Scotland arrest Nicola Sturgeon’s husband in connection with their ongoing investigations into financial fraud. Is this the REAL reason for her abrupt resignation in February?
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One of the most obscene aspects of the some in the Trans narrative is to compare trans killers to Jesus Christ.
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In Scotland, if you are 16 you are judged mature enough to be able to VOTE. In Scotland, if you are 17 and rape an underage girl, you are deemed too young for a prison sentence so you get to walk free. Something is VERY wrong.
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Looks like TalkVaccine Queen Julia Hartley Brewer isn’t happy about Bob Moran’s latest cartoon. The likes of Isabel Oakeshott rushes to her defence as they both allege she did NOT support the Covid tyranny. But I am afraid the truth is rather differe…
Remember when New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern stepped down unexpectedly in January? Remember what a tyrant she had proven to be? Well, don’t worry about it because Prince William has rewarded her with an important new job and in addition she’s been giv…
OPEC cut production and they cut production at the behest of China. KEY POINTS Several OPEC+ members are set to…
The internal combustion engine will be outlawed in the EU from 2035, with the exception of E-Fuels. What is E-Fuel?
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The murder of Russian journalist, Vladlen Tatarsky, is met with glee by British and Ukrainian journalists. What does this say about them?
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A new report by the W.H.O. claims that one in six people in the world is infertile. What are the consequences of this for humanity? Could this further decline?
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New Research shows that those who are vaccinated have a reduced level of immune efficiency. So why would we target them for more vaccinations?
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In 2022, 64% of children born in England are of White-British ethnicity.
In 1960, it would have been closer to 99%.
What will it be in 2060 and does it matter?
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New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins is asked to define what a woman is but he fails to answer, Why?
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