Hotel Migrant!
Why is the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak claiming he is succeeding “cracking down” on illegal migration when hotels in every part of the UK are overflowing with these people?
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I will not submit, I will not comply
Why is the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak claiming he is succeeding “cracking down” on illegal migration when hotels in every part of the UK are overflowing with these people?
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In the annals of history, surely Holly Willoughby will go down as the bravest of them all? Her return speech to “This Morning” must rival that by Churchill and no one can surely doubt her sincerity?
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Overnight saw an attack on the Nova Kakhovka dam in Ukraine, which will cause devastation downstream in the Russian-controlled Kherson region. UK media are blaming Russia. **This is a repeat of Nordstream** This was a NATO/Ukraine terror attack.
It’s REALLY not a tough question but some like to pretend it is – what is a woman? At this point, if you cannot answer “Human. Adult. Female” then you are a coward, and stupid.
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Conflicting stories coming out of Ukraine but the Russians suggest that Ukraine tried to mount a counter-offence in Donetsk and this has ended in hundreds of dead Ukrainian soldiers and destroyed tanks. What exactly is happening?
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As we enter ANOTHER week of soap drama concerning Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby always remember these people prey on your emotions.
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Salil Gewali The publication of my previous article,”‘ The Kerala Story’ – a wakeup call, not propaganda,” (, dated 14 May 2023)…
Family friendly UK Supermarket chain Sainsbury are pushing PRIDE MONTH LGBTQ merchandise onto kids as young as Five years old. Is this right? Should we boycott them?
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Former Pussycat Doll Jessica Sutta is vaccine damaged as a consequence of taking the Moderna gene therapy. Like so many others, she trusted those who told her to take the jab. Now she suffers every day.
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Be afraid, be very afraid! Yes, due to climate change “scientists” are now discovering “zombie” viruses in Mammoths frozen in the permafrost. This is now desperate they are becoming!
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Midway. On 4th to 7th June 1942, US and Japanese naval forces engaged in a five-day battle in the middle…
As the saga of Philip Schofield continues, he plays the victim card. Will some buy it? Can it save him? Can Holly Willoughby save her career or is she tainted by association?
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Everyone knows we are now in PRIDE month such has been the corporatist love-in but I believe this is morally flawed!
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At a time when esteemed cardiologists such as Dr Peter McCulllough are demanding that ALL Covid jabs be suspended, the UK authorities are pushing them into kids under 5.
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We were right all along. When they told you that they were “just following the science” they were making it up as they want with NO basis in proven fact.
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