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Media lies and political deceits


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

OK, so the UK goes to the polls this Thursday, 4th July. I am sure there is some hidden symbolism in the choosing of that particular date but regardless of that, the UK public are being so obviously gaslit into continued self destruction by the political-media axis of evil.

We are being told by the Media that it all comes down to a choice between Starmer and Sunak, between Labour or Conservative. Both parties claim to offer “change” but the truth is all that they really offer is continued decline. Both parties are globalist to the core, both led by Davos approved shills. Voting for either of them is basically an act of self-harm. They act up as if they really care about you but they only really care about getting into power and you are the necessary lever that needs pulled. Yes, the Conservatives have been in power for 14 years and achieved precious little, continually betraying their voter base. They are going to now suffer as a direct consequence and deservedly so.

But Labour are going to be equally bad and yet too many people are going to be seduced by the need to “change” and take a risk on a party which will prove economically incompetent, culturally nihilistic and at war with freedom. That is what Starmer and his goon squad offer you but the media chooses not to go into too much detail on Labour’s actual plans.

The LibDems have been like a comedy act with Leader Ed Davey doing silly things to get a photo-op whilst insisting that they can put pressure on the incoming Labour Government to act even more “progressive”. The Greens are essentially woke communists with an eco-hue.

In truth the ONLY real opposition to more of the same is the Reform Party and you can really tell that they are a challenger because the Media keeps trying to smear them. Endless cries of “waaaaycism” accompany every media interview that Farage has been on. We hear accusations of Russian collusion, the list is endless. In truth Reform are really milquetoast Conservatives BUT they are the best that we have of offer and if they can get candidates into Westminster then at least we will have a genuine opposition to Labour.

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