Climate change changes Financial Climate

We all can see how the arch globalists are seeking to weaponise their ludicrous Climate change fear-mongery. Listen to what convicted criminal and President of the ECB Christine Lagarde has to say in this regard. This is all code. They want to destroy all our systems and then impose their one world government cult upon as by using “Climate Change” as the alarmist pretext. Quite why Central Banking has to be change to align with “sustainability” and a “warming climate” is anyones guess but it’s all co-ordinated and in lockstep

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His Satanic Majesty.

I am sure that by now we will all have seen the very first official portrait of His Majesty King Charles. It’s caused quite a stir and in case you needed a reminder of the horror revealed, this was it. Straight from hell, you might conclude and in case you needed a few clues, look at what happens when the portrait is mirrored…

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How many Gazans for the UK?

The population of Gaza back in 2022 was around the 2m mark. It has probably further increased since then. Those Arab countries surrounding Gaza refuse to take in any “refugees” but up pops a list of 50 British MPs and Peers who think that the UK should allow

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Ozempic – the next Thalidomide?

It used to be said that there is a pill for every ill. Well, now we are being told that there is a jab for more than one ill! Let’s examine Ozempic, shall we? Here is a headline today in the Daily Mail on this alleged “miracle” drug. “Millions of Britons should be prescribed weight-loss jabs to slash their chances of heart attack and stroke, cardiologists said yesterday. The biggest study yet on Ozempic and Wegovy found their key ingredient was a ‘game-changer’ for heart patients, including those who did not

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Turning off the fakestream media!

There is an old quote that says “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.” Well, I think that can generally be applied to all forms of modern broadcast news. However, speaking for myself I would prefer to be

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Media glee at anti-Trump lawfare

The BBC are absolutely salivating at the New York contrived show trial of Donald Trump as porn star Stormy Daniels takes to the stand. Daniels was able to record intimitate details of their alleged encounter 20 odd years ago, an encounter he says never happened! Of course this Democrat controlled oppo is all about distracting Trump if not further financially punishing him. But the name Stormy Daniels should ring a bell because

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Cancer is the new Covid.

Listen carefully to what Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has to say about the NEXT breakthrough in vaccines. “Our oncology drugs will be blockbuster ones. Seagen acquisition and oncology. It is what it is our new Covid. So we did what we did with Covid. We are very proud,

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Conservatives facing extinction!

Today, millions of people across England and Wales will go to the polls to vote in Local and Mayoral elections and it may well herald yet another major step towards the utter destruction of the Conservative Party. An eve of voting poll shows a desperate picture for UK PM Rishi Sunak with Labour holding a massive lead and the Reform Party almost about to overtake the Conservatives! So the current Party of Government is about to be humbled and I am happy to see it.

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Why Humza Yousaf is a hero.

Before you unsubscribe to my Substack for my apparent heresy, let me explain why I think Humza Yousaf is a hero! Buckle up and let’s start with Humza himself explaining why he did what he did! The first minister says it was clear to him that the SNP’s power-sharing deal with the Scottish Greens was “

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Edward Jenner – the consummate fraud!

I’m sure that we’ve all heard the story until we are sick of it. I’m referring, of course, to Edward Jenner’s “discovery” of “vaccination” He’s often referred to as the “father of vaccination” or “the father of immunology” but once we dive into the details of what really was going back then it becomes all too apparent that Jenner

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