A fist in the face or a kick in the…

As the UK General Election picks up pace and each day we are inundated by political stunts and fake promises, I thought I would share my own analysis of what is going on!

To me, there is only a Uniparty. We call it Conservative/Labour under the pretence of choice. But what IS the actual choice? It seems to me that the Blue end of the Uniparty (Conservatives) wants to punch you in the face whereas the Red end of the Uniparty wants to punch you in the face and follow up with a kick to the b*lls! In order words, we are going to suffer if we engage with these parties but we are going to suffer if we don’t!

Under the First past the Post electoral system, the Uniparty duopoly cannot be broken and THAT is by design. Anyone who thinks that the Reform Party insurgency will gain any MPs despite a very decent share in the National Polls is kidding themselves. The system is entrenched and has been refined to allow the Red and Blue to dominate – with a smattering of LibDems. The political system has been contrived around this essential truth and I really don’t see how a populist uprising can take place UNLIKE those we have seen in places like the Netherlands, Germany and Italy.

It’s a depressing but factual reality that in UK politics we have two bald men arguing over a comb and anyone pointing this out is dismissed as a crank/bigot/phobe!

A REAL alternative for Britain can only emerge when the Uniparty is smashed into a million shards but I don’t see how that can happen electorally speaking. So the answer has to come from the bottom up and that can only happen if enough of us turn away completely from Uniparty tribalism and advance truly alternative political policies.

Here are a few that would get my vote;

Mass Deportation of ALL illegal migrants to where they came from – France.

The UK Navy tasked with policing the English Channel to turn around ALL boats.

Taxes cut to a bare minimum, VAT removed from most items, Government starts to live within its means.

UK to axe the Overseas Budget in its entirety. Charity begins at home.

Gender Reality enforced across the Public Sector – all Trans banned from woman’s places, institutions and sports.

All support for Ukraine withdrawn.

NHS cut back to core services and swathes of management removed.

Civil Service cut by at least 50% – the hidden hand of the Deep State must be removed.

BBC license tax brought to an end. Let it fund itself.

A full and powerful Brexit introduced – no more half measures.

Those would just be for starters. We need to recall how Parliament voted in 2020 to take away our freedoms and impose medical tyranny. That brings into question how we the people can better limit what Parliament itself can do. I have often thought that our political system is almost entirely dysfunctional and it needs shaken to the absolute core.

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

As the UK General Election picks up pace and each day we are inundated by political stunts and fake promises, I thought I would share my own analysis of what is going on!

To me, there is only a Uniparty. We call it Conservative/Labour under the pretence of choice. But what IS the actual choice? It seems to me that the Blue end of the Uniparty (Conservatives) wants to punch you in the face whereas the Red end of the Uniparty wants to punch you in the face and follow up with a kick to the b*lls! In order words, we are going to suffer if we engage with these parties but we are going to suffer if we don’t!

Under the First past the Post electoral system, the Uniparty duopoly cannot be broken and THAT is by design. Anyone who thinks that the Reform Party insurgency will gain any MPs despite a very decent share in the National Polls is kidding themselves. The system is entrenched and has been refined to allow the Red and Blue to dominate – with a smattering of LibDems. The political system has been contrived around this essential truth and I really don’t see how a populist uprising can take place UNLIKE those we have seen in places like the Netherlands, Germany and Italy.

It’s a depressing but factual reality that in UK politics we have two bald men arguing over a comb and anyone pointing this out is dismissed as a crank/bigot/phobe!

A REAL alternative for Britain can only emerge when the Uniparty is smashed into a million shards but I don’t see how that can happen electorally speaking. So the answer has to come from the bottom up and that can only happen if enough of us turn away completely from Uniparty tribalism and advance truly alternative political policies.

Here are a few that would get my vote;

Mass Deportation of ALL illegal migrants to where they came from – France.

The UK Navy tasked with policing the English Channel to turn around ALL boats.

Taxes cut to a bare minimum, VAT removed from most items, Government starts to live within its means.

UK to axe the Overseas Budget in its entirety. Charity begins at home.

Gender Reality enforced across the Public Sector – all Trans banned from woman’s places, institutions and sports.

All support for Ukraine withdrawn.

NHS cut back to core services and swathes of management removed.

Civil Service cut by at least 50% – the hidden hand of the Deep State must be removed.

BBC license tax brought to an end. Let it fund itself.

A full and powerful Brexit introduced – no more half measures.

Those would just be for starters. We need to recall how Parliament voted in 2020 to take away our freedoms and impose medical tyranny. That brings into question how we the people can better limit what Parliament itself can do. I have often thought that our political system is almost entirely dysfunctional and it needs shaken to the absolute core.

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​David Vance Substack

Views: 26