The Media is 24/7 Fear Porn

The best thing you can do is to turn OFF all mainstream media. It exists to simply push FEAR and approved PROPAGANDA 24/7 and the less that you expose yourself to it then the stronger you will be! I suspect that one reason so many of us got through the Covid psyop was because we didn’t tune in for “the news” on an hourly basis and so we missed the fear that they were selling. Our minds could not be “programmed” because we chose not to watch the programmes that do it to us!

Of course to call it “news” is plain wrong. It ceased being “news” a very long time ago, if it ever was news, and the only thing that has changed over the years is that we have so many more channels these days pushing out the approved FEAR. I don’t know about you but I find the longer I can go without exposing myself to any mainstream content, the happier I become and the more clear my vision. So it’s pretty obvious that NOT watching TV is a good idea, but how do we get away from the online news agenda? This is every bit as pernicious and doom-laden so again viewer discernment is required. Stay away from the online versions of Big News too. There are plenty of alternative News and comment platforms that are much more trustworthy and not in the business of trying to keep you captured.

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​  David Vance SubstackRead More

The best thing you can do is to turn OFF all mainstream media. It exists to simply push FEAR and approved PROPAGANDA 24/7 and the less that you expose yourself to it then the stronger you will be! I suspect that one reason so many of us got through the Covid psyop was because we didn’t tune in for “the news” on an hourly basis and so we missed the fear that they were selling. Our minds could not be “programmed” because we chose not to watch the programmes that do it to us!

Of course to call it “news” is plain wrong. It ceased being “news” a very long time ago, if it ever was news, and the only thing that has changed over the years is that we have so many more channels these days pushing out the approved FEAR. I don’t know about you but I find the longer I can go without exposing myself to any mainstream content, the happier I become and the more clear my vision. So it’s pretty obvious that NOT watching TV is a good idea, but how do we get away from the online news agenda? This is every bit as pernicious and doom-laden so again viewer discernment is required. Stay away from the online versions of Big News too. There are plenty of alternative News and comment platforms that are much more trustworthy and not in the business of trying to keep you captured.

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​David Vance Substack

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