The Mendacity of the Vaxx peddlers

Remember Patrick Vallance? Alongside Chris Whitty, he was part of the Brother’s Grim, standing alongside Boris Johnson as they cranked up the required fear around “Covid’ in those early critical months of the scamdemic. His role was as Chief Scientific Officer although what “science” peddled is worth questioning.

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But never mind that, he is now Sir Patrick Vallance (Please show a little more respect, you at the back of the room!) for services rendered. But he still has something to say on the issue despite moving away from the scene of his crimes. Here he is in The Times today.

“Imagine if there had been no jab. Imagine if the dark of that first Covid winter had arrived without being offset by the light of the vaccine.”

Talk about brass neck! First he invokes almost religious symbolism to the describe the disastrous roll-out of the jab (light in the darkness!) and then implies that it was ONLY the jabs that offered us hope. The denialism he deploys is impressive. When I imagine no jab I imagine many people would still be alive or not badly injured.

He goes on to add…

“I really believe that the NHS is the best healthcare system in the world. It’s just lost its way a bit. “No one in the world had better data during Covid. No one else produced a vaccine as quickly as we did.”

He omits telling you that the AstraZeneca Jab which “we” produced and which he and Whitty pushed like religious zealots, was almost instantly taken off several European markets such as Austria as it was deemed too dangerous to give to people. Meanwhile Vallance boasts how great it all was and what a grand job the NHS did plunging into as many people as they could get their hands on!

Vallance and Whitty were key actors in the Covid scamdemic without whose “Scientific image” it would have been far harder to sell the fear porn of Covid. I think they have gained a notorious reputation, rewarded by the Establishment for advancing the biggest psyops in the history of the UK!

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