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Can I take a moment and introduce you to the new interim head of Ofsted, Sir Mufti Hamid Patel.
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. It inspects services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. It also inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people.
Sir Mufti is the new boss.
You may wonder what stellar qualities Sir Mufti brings to the role. Well, why not visit the web site of the Star Academies he runs? Who are Star Academies?
Star Academies is a not-for-profit Muslim faith-based organisation that runs a network of Muslim faith-based schools and is an approved sponsor of non-denominational academies, with a focus on supporting school improvement and educational excellence
It is so lovely and diverse.
Sir Mufti stands out as the man who can help improve British education, god help us.
And if you thought that was not disturbing enough, consider this decision.
The Metropolitan Police have decided to close their investigation into an imam at the Redbridge Islamic Centre, claiming that there was not sufficient evidence for a conviction.
The investigation related to a sermon delivered on 20th October 2023. In a video of the sermon, the imam is heard saying, “Oh Allah, curse the Jews and the children of Israel. Oh Allah, curse the infidels and the polytheists,” and “Oh Allah, break their words, shake their feet, disperse and tear apart their unity and ruin their houses and destroy their homes.”
Following an initial investigation, the Met concluded that there was insufficient evidence and closed the case.
So, cursing the JEWS is fine in England as long as it is an Imam doing it.
Can you see where this is headed?
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