Death in the Sun.

I am sure you may be aware of the story concerning missing TV Doctor and Newspaper columnist, Dr Michael Mosley. Quick summary;

Dr Mosley was on a holiday with his wife on the Greek island of Symi. He was out for lunch with his wife and a few friends. He decided that he would walk back to the house in which he was staying rather than drive to it. And he vanished. Not to be seen again.

That was five days ago. Today comes the news that a body has been found and it is feared that it is his.

A local cameraman said;

This area has been searched goodness knows how many times. This point about 20 times. There were drones, there was everything. I think it’s just bad luck.”

He added: “The body was 40m-50m from the beach, right next to the fence.

“It was a rocky place with sharp rocks. My guess is that he got dizzy, he sat down to relax and he fainted. That’s my guess.”

Mosley was a big Vaxx pusher and I think a lot of the “science” he pushed in his Daily Mai column was absolute garbage. BUT, it must have been unspeakably awful for his family these past several days. I can only imagine the fear and dread going through their minds. Had he fallen from a cliff? Had he had a heart attack and was lying under the blistering sun? Could he have bene kidnapped? How can someone just vanish?

It’s the humanity aspect of this which interests me and the fact that this drama is all played out in the public spotlight of the world’s media. Whilst I profoundly disagreed with his medical approach, I also have a sense of sadness of his loss to his family. He had been married to his wife as long as I have been married to mine – since 1987. That’s going to be a shattering blow for her and the four children he has. So, in these moments of high drama played out in the media, I think we show our common humanity by expressing sympathy towards his family and leave it like that.

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