The WHO is a criminal cartel and needs closed down

You cannot have lived through the Covid tyranny years and failed to conclude anything other than that the “World Health Organisation” is just another globalist front for the implementation of a One World Government. Headed up by the ludicrous Dr Tedros, a former Ethiopian Marxist, who got his exalted position in 2017 care of the lobbying of the Chinese Government, the WHO was central to the Covid Scam. There would not have been a global panic without the WHO.

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Wigs are racist!

Barristers have been wearing Wigs in court for almost 350 years,  a tradition starting in 1685. But now some barristers say that this is discriminatory against those who Afro-Caribbean hairstyles and so they must be banned.

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The Woke West!

One of the most disturbing characterises of the Western world is how increasingly “woke” young women are becoming. Consider the following chart which pretty much sums up the scale of the problem! You can see that in the 18-29 year age group, more and more WOMEN are becoming more and more liberal, espousing woke causes and sharply contrasting with the views of young men in the same age group

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The NHS was created “by Men for men?”

Wonder what you make of the suggestion by the utterly inept and totally cringe Health Secretary Victoria Atkins that “the NHS was “made by men for men”? She is, at best, only half-right. Yes it was indeed MEN who constructed the NHS post WW2, an institution with which I have profound problems. The politicians who devised it were MEN and the senior Medical professionals that led it were MEN. However Nurses also provided

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Wuhan Lab limited hangout…

The starting point here is to understand that there was NO deadly virus that emerged in later 2019/2020 and started killing people, making them drop dead in the street. In my view, the entire Lab Leak story is a con job, designed to lure people into thinking that scientists can devise such viruses. They can’t. Those pharmaceutical psychopaths behind the wicked Covid vaccinations want you to think that “it” all came from a Wuhan Lab. Take this headline in the New York Post from the other day..

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Dr Who gets exterminated by the Viewers.

Through the prism of the ultra-woke BBC, it all makes such sense. Take the 60 year old Dr Who franchise and make sure that the “stale white male” stereotype is utterly smashed to pieces, first by casting a woman as the Time Lord and now, a black guy called Ncuti Gate (who is openly gay in his private life, so that’s two diversity boxes ticked!)

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Greens DENY biological reality!

It shouldn’t really come as a surprise but it’s still amusing to see the so-called Green Party twist itself into all sorts of contortions so that it can continue to deny reality. The Scottish Greens have expelled a number of members who declared “sex is a biological reality”.

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