You’re in the Army now!

In one of the most peculiar General Election promises so far, the failing Conservatives have announced a plan to bring back MANDATORY National Service!

The Conservative Party has said it would bring back mandatory national service if it wins the general election. It says 18-year-olds will join the military for 12 months or volunteer one weekend every month in the community.

Is it just me or does this make zero sense? If it is MANDATORY how can there be a VOLUNTARY alternative? Will this apply in places like Northern Ireland where there is a section of young people who are very anti-British and who despise the British Army? Does this mean that 18 year olds can no longer go to University or enter the broader work force? Who thought this nonsense up and decided to fly it up the pole this Sunday?

It’s an insane idea at all those practical levels but the reason why I oppose it is that I don’t want my kids or grandkids being used as canon (drone?) fodder by unscrupulous globalists! I don’t want to see British youth being offered up as blood sacrifice in Ukraine or any other geo-political altar they construct. If young people CHOOSE to serve their Country in our Armed Forces, that is fine. In fact I would support that and urge Government to pay them better. But Mandatory National Service is something we should reject outrightly!

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In one of the most peculiar General Election promises so far, the failing Conservatives have announced a plan to bring back MANDATORY National Service!

The Conservative Party has said it would bring back mandatory national service if it wins the general election. It says 18-year-olds will join the military for 12 months or volunteer one weekend every month in the community.

Is it just me or does this make zero sense? If it is MANDATORY how can there be a VOLUNTARY alternative? Will this apply in places like Northern Ireland where there is a section of young people who are very anti-British and who despise the British Army? Does this mean that 18 year olds can no longer go to University or enter the broader work force? Who thought this nonsense up and decided to fly it up the pole this Sunday?

It’s an insane idea at all those practical levels but the reason why I oppose it is that I don’t want my kids or grandkids being used as canon (drone?) fodder by unscrupulous globalists! I don’t want to see British youth being offered up as blood sacrifice in Ukraine or any other geo-political altar they construct. If young people CHOOSE to serve their Country in our Armed Forces, that is fine. In fact I would support that and urge Government to pay them better. But Mandatory National Service is something we should reject outrightly!

David Vance Substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


​David Vance Substack

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