Why does Ireland like terrorism?


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

It’s a fair enough question – why does the Irish Government appear to be such an ardent supporter of terrorism?

After all, it proudly sides with “Palestine”, a state which is governed by Hamas, a terrorist organisation, against Israel. Few can dispute the genocidal ambition of Hamas and yet the current Irish Government could not be more enthusiastic in its dewy eyed admiration for “the Palestinian cause.” For many decades, it adopted a benign approach to the IRA, a terrorist organisation at war with the British State and provided sanctuary to many of its members.

There is a trend here and we should not shy away from facing into it. The Irish political establishment has been one that historically instinctively sympathises with violent terrorism for a very long time and I wonder might it be the fact that Irish independence was itself birthed in bloody violence that is so central to this to this curious reality?

Consider the the violence of the Easter Rising in 1916 followed by the violence of the Irish war of independence from 1919-1921 leading to the creation of the Irish Free State and we see that Ireland emerged from a bloody revolution that had strong terrorist roots. From the IRA to Hamas isn’t such a stretch perhaps?

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