Trying to Kill Democracy

Last night they tried to assassinate Former/Future President Donald Trump at a Rally in Butler Pennsylvania. It was a miracle that he was not killed, if not for a slight turn of his head he would be.

For the past 8 years the left has been calling for his death, last night they almost got their wish. From Ms. Gifford holding up his bloody severed head, Johnny Depp stating it’s been awhile since an actor shot a President. The constant portrayals even this week of Trump as Hitler, a threat to Democracy. All cheered on by the MSM.

Politicians calling for his death. Congressman Bennie Thompson tried to have a Bill passed to remove the former President Trumps Secret Service detail. His aid posted this last night minutes after the shooting.

Following the attack, Thompson’s Case Manager and Field Director Jacqueline Marsaw’s Facebook page had the following post:

“I don’t condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time oops that wasn’t me saying that,” 

To this quote from President Biden at his rally the night before.

The hate filled violent rhetoric and tactics from the American left has been nonstop building to this point for the past 8 years. Since the moment Trump came down the elevator. A Phony Russian Dossier created and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign, 3 Impeachment attempts, A stolen Election, followed by Soviet style fake Prosecutions. The Democrats have used these anti-democracy tactics while screaming from the high heavens it is Trump who is the threat to Democracy.

Those of us on the right have been saying that the only thing left was to assassinate him. Last night our worse fears were almost realized. The following clip is the assassination attempt. The blood curdling scream you hear in the background is the wife of the citizen who was killed. Shot in the head by one of the bullets fired at Trump.

This incident was a complete failure by the Secret Service. For months the Trump campaign has asked for additional Secret Service Resources. They have been not only denied those resources, but mocked for even asking. Under the Biden Administration even RFK Jr has been denied Secret Service protection.

Here is Dan Bongino’s Breakdown of the Secret Service Failure. Bongino worked the Secret Service Detail for the Obama’s.

The FBI is now running the investigation, I don’t trust them to do the job. This is the same FBI that pushed the Fake Russian Dossier, Spied on his campaign, hid Hunter Biden’s Laptop for a year before the last Election, and raided Mar A Lago with a SWAT team. They have already pushed that the shooter was a registered Republican while ignoring his money Donations to radical “Progressive Groups” like Act Blue. I do not trust them to be honest.

Our Prayers go out to the families of those wounded, and the gentleman who was killed. President Trump always has our prayers for protection which were answered last night. He would be dead if not for a small turn of his head. That was a Miracle.

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